Treasure of the Blind Swordsman

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Hi, everyone. Welcome back to another chapter of the second arc of the Xiaolin Dragon King. In the last chapter, Chase succeeded in obtaining the first ingredient that was needed for the mortal potion. Now it's time to get the second ingredient, let's hope they succeed. Please enjoy the chapter and make sure to leave a review or two. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC. 


The Xiaolin Dragon King: Second Arc


Chapter Five: Treasure of the Blind Swordsman


(One night, at the Xiaolin Temple)

"Attention, kids!"

The monks, sitting at a table, looked up from their dinner and looked at Juno and Master Fung, who had Dojo sitting on his shoulder.

"Sorry to interrupt your dinner, but Master Fung and I have important news for you all." the redhead told them. "Master Fung?" she looked at the older monk.

"Thank you, Master Juno." he said. "Young monks, you are to begin a new quest and follow this map to the Treasure of the Blind Swordsman." he held up said map.

He unrolled it and showed what was on it. There was a dotted line with a red X in the middle of it, the line going through the picture of train tracks. Under the line was the picture of a snake with the words 'Rattlesnake Ridge' written above it. In the upper left of the map was a compass.

"Looks more like half a map to me." Clay pointed.

"Don't worry, the rest of it will reveal itself along the way." Juno reassured. "Not to mention, you're new Wudai Weapons." she smiled.

"Wudai Weapons?" Kimiko repeated.

"When you reach the level of Wudai Warrior, you get your own personal weapon. They're super cool, strong, and tend to suit the user quite well." the female warrior explained.

"I have always wanted my very own Wudai Weapon!" Omi's eyes widened and shined as he thought about his own personal weapon, imagining it as an amazing staff that he could use to vanquish giant squirrels.

"Omi." Master Fung's strict voice made him snap out of his fantasy. "Upon completing your journey, you will learn how to use your Weapon."

"But keep in mind that the Wudai Weapons pick their user rather than the other way around." Juno added.

"I am most certain I will be the first pick." the shortest monk declared, backflipping onto the table. "I usually am." he grinned confidently.

Suddenly, the table broke underneath his weight and he fell to the floor.

"Then you can be the first pick to fix the table." the redhead said, crossing her arms. "You kids leave early tomorrow, so get plenty of rest."

"Are you not coming with us, Juno?" Raimundo asked.

"Not this time, I have my own quest to go on. Chase and I found out where the next ingredient, the midnight pomegranate, is and we're going to go after it."

"You mean..." Omi got up from the floor. "We will have to do this without you, Master Juno?" he didn't even try to hide the disappointment on his face.

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