Adventures in Kaze-Sitting

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Hey, everyone, it is so good to see you again after so long. Apologies for the longer-than-unexpected hiatus, things got a little hectic. But I am back and ready to give you the next chapter of the Xiaolin Dragon King series. I hope you all will enjoy it, and please leave a comment or two as you read. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: Second Arc


Chapter Fourteen: Adventures in Kaze-Sitting


(One day, at the Xiaolin Temple)

"You know, in case you forgot, I'm a mystical, Shen Gong Wu finding dragon, not a phoenix-sitter."

"I'm sorry, Dojo." Juno said to the dragon as they were standing outside in the middle of the temple with Chase and the Wudai Warriors. "But the island that we've heard of that has information on the next ingredient of the mortal potion, the scales of the jade dragon, probably won't be a safe environment for Kaze, so we can't take him with us."

"Plus, Master Fung and the other temple monks are gonna be busy with their own duties all day." Raimundo added, the small phoenix perched on his shoulder. "You're the only one who can watch him while we're gone."

"What am I even supposed to do with him while you're away for who knows how long?" Dojo questioned, crossing his arms.

"Just take care of him and make sure he stays out of trouble, that's all." Kimiko told him. "And I'm sure we'll be back before you know it."

"I don't know..."

"We'll totally owe you one, Dojo." Raimundo said. "Besides, Kaze is a good bird, he won't be too hard to watch. Right, buddy?"

Kaze chirped, hopping into the monk's hand when he lifted it up to his shoulder.

"Well, if there's no other choice..." Dojo reluctantly agreed, taking the small phoenix into his hands after the Brazilian knelt down and held him out. "I could use a break from flying."

"Thanks a lot, Dojo, it's a huge help." Raimundo smiled. "Oh, before I forget, a couple of other things you should know. His fire abilities have begun to show themselves, so be careful with that. And he's been trying to learn how to fly by himself by jumping off of high places, so keep a close eye on him."

"Don't worry, you can count on old Uncle Dojo." the dragon reassured. "I actually used to help watch over Mei a few times, back in the day."

"It's true, he was rather good with her, I'll admit." Chase spoke up.

"Yeah, but she wasn't a little fire bird." Juno added. "Well, either way, I'm sure it'll be fine. Right now, we have an island to get to." she pulled out a certain Shen Gong Wu. "Silver Manta Ray!" she threw it into the air, allowing it to grow to its larger form.

"If you're having trouble, or you need us for anything, just give us a call." Kimiko said, handing Dojo a cell phone.

"Thanks, but I got this in the bag." the dragon replied confidently. "You guys focus on finding out where the next ingredient is."

"You be good for Dojo, Kaze." Raimundo told the phoenix, using his finger to rub his small head. He stood up straight and jumped into the Silver Manta Ray with the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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