Dream Stalker

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Hello, everyone, I hope you're having a great New Year. I'm sorry for taking a while to update the story, things have been pretty crazy these last few days. But I am here now and I am ready to introduce the new chapter to you. Please enjoy it and leave a review or two along the way. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC. 


The Xiaolin Dragon King: Second Arc


Chapter Nine: Dream Stalker


Juno sidestepped the dark blue glass-like blade of Raimundo's Wudai Weapon. She raised her Xiaolin Dragon Blade and hit the blade, pushing the other back a couple of feet. The redhead charged at him, slashing the blade of her weapon at him. Raimundo held up the Blade of the Nebula, having it block the attack.

"Not bad, Raimundo, not bad." Juno complimented, pushing her weapon against his. "Your technique has improved quite a bit."

"Yeah, well, what kind I say, I've got a good teacher." the Brazilian said with a small grin as he was getting pushed back. "Who also taught me some interesting tricks, too. Blade of the Nebula!"

In a flash, the Wudai Weapon went from sword form to nunchuck form. The small typhoon that held it together sent out a strong gust of wind that sent the female warrior flying into the air. Juno straightened herself out while in mid-air and landed on both her feet.

"Oh, that was clever." she praised, smiling at the monk. "Very good, Raimundo."

"That's not all I got." Raimundo said before throwing one of the nunchuck ends at her.

The end circled around the redhead, the typhoon growing and encasing her in a sphere of wind. He moved the end of the nunchuck he was still holding and lifted the sphere into the air. Then he slammed it down to crash to the ground. Before it could make contact, however, the sphere suddenly broke apart, the wind blowing out in all directions.

Raimundo was blown away and fell on his back. He looked up and saw the blade of Juno's guandao coming right at his face. His Wudai Weapon quickly turned back into a sword and his blade collided with hers, sending sparks flying. He struggled against the other's weapon as it pushed against his.

The Brazilian lifted up his leg and tried to sweep at her feet, but Juno saw it coming and jumped to dodge. Then she did a flip over his body and landed behind him, her back to him. Raimundo got to his feet and slashed his Wudai Weapon at her, but the redhead held up her Xiaolin Dragon Blade and blocked the attack with its pole. Then she lowered herself down and swiped her feet across his legs, knocking him back down to the ground.

Juno placed her foot on his wrist, making him release the Blade of the Nebula, and touched his neck with the tip of her weapon. The two stared at each other silently.

"I win." the female warrior smiled brightly.

Raimundo groaned and pulled his head back. "Dammit, you are seriously too good."

"Maybe so, but you are getting better." Juno told him, removing her weapon and foot back. "You and the others have indeed gotten stronger, I'm very proud of you." she smiled at him as she held her hand out to him.

The Xiaolin Dragon King: Second ArcWhere stories live. Discover now