A Wedding?! (part 3)

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Simmons anxiously waited for Grif, he was taping his foot up and down really fast. Wash noised and told him to calm down. he does a bit.

"where is he-" as soon as Simmons said that, the music started to play.

The wedding was starting.

Simmons stood at the alter. then Carmen in hercute blue and purple dress that Donut had made her. she was throwing maroon and orange flower petals on the carpet. then when she was in her place which was beside Tucker, who had the rings and was shaking, she stood there and watched as the doors open.

Everyone watched Sister and Grif as they walked down the aisle, their arms locked with each other's. Grif looked amazing. everyone was watching him and sister.

Then once their at the alter, Sister let's go of his arm and goes to stand with Donut, Sarge, Bitters and Mathews. Donut was tearing up, Sarge was shading tears, Bitters was smiling, Mathews was crying and Carmen was sniffing.

"Wow, Grif you look...... Amazing.." Simmons says, nervously.

"uh, thank you..... you too" Grif says also sounding nervous.

Locus clears his throat. "Now your vows, Simmons" he says, looking at Simmons. "oh, ok" he says.

"Dexter Grif, I would have never, in all my life think that I would be standing here with you, our tesm mates, our enemies and everyone we've gotten to know over the years. I am so glad I met you and had the privilege to get to know you and become friends and now, I'm standing here with you and I'm so glad that I am standing here with you. and I love you more then words could describe and I would do anything for you, and I'm so grateful that I will get to spend the rest of my life, together, with you" he kinda tears up while saying his vow.

Grif looked like he was about to burst out crying.

"Ok, now Grif, your vows" Locus says turning his attention to Grif. "All right, all right ok" he says.

"Dick or Richard Simmons, I am also glad that I met you and became buddies and got to know each other. Now, if you know me then you know that my vows are gonna be shorter then your. and I also love so very much and I don't know what I would do without you. I am also glad that I am standing here with you and everyone else in this room, I am so thankful that I will be spending the rest of my life, with you" He finishes.

Simmons had tear stains on his cheeks.

Before the ceremony could continue, they had notice some people.

Grif sees Sarge crying and so was Donut, Doc, Doyle, Kimball had shaded a few tears and he then sees Felix. Felix was also crying, he could see that Locus had seen him. cuz he had a look of worry, Grif has never seen Locus worried but then again no one but Felix has seen him worried.

Simmons notes that Church and Carolina were crying but that's all he could see.

Locus clears his throat again.

"Anyways, Dexter Grif, do you take Richard Simmons to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asks Grif.

"I do" Grif replies, looking into Simmons eyes.

"And Richard Simmons, do you take Dexter Grif to also be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do" Simmons says as tears start rolling down his face and so does Grif.

"Tucker, the rings" Locus says nudging Tucker.

"Oh shit, ya" he says and walk over to the two.

Simmons takes one of the rings and puts it on Grif's ring finger, and it looked so perfect on him. then Grif grabs the other one and puts it on Simmons hand, Simmons also looked perfect with the ring on him. Tucker then goes back to where Carmen was and he started to tear up.

Locus then says "alright then, I pronounce you husbands, you may kiss one another".

And the two kiss and everyone rejoices and yells for the two.

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