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Word Count: 796

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Word Count: 796

After sectionals Finn left quickly. He was happy and I don't think he wanted that to end by the people around him's betrayal. He left by cab while everyone else got back on our much more cheery school bus to ride back home to McKinley. The ride was filled with excited chatter and cheers.

Sitting next to Brittany me and her talk excitedly about our win, the journey to get it, how neither of us would ever had joined Glee if it weren't for Quinn...

Quinn is sitting on the seat beside ours all alone Britt and I look at each other worriedly before turning back to Quinn. "Q, are you okay?" I ask nervously. Quinn doesn't even look up at me.

"I have nowhere to go... I-I can't go back to Finn's after this or..." Quinn starts to trail off as her voice trembles. All three of us are silent for a minuet. Shit dude... Oh!

"Well duh you have to stay with Puck and I now" I wave her off and smile as if this is the most obvious and easy solution when in reality I have no idea how this will blow over with Mom... I don't even think Noah has told mom her knocked anyone up yet. "You can ride home with Noah and I tonight, we can just act like it's a sleepover then we can sort out moving all your stuff tomorrow." I have no idea how we're gonna ask Finn if we can go pick up her stuff or how awkward it'll be but she doesn't have to know that.

Quinn nods slowly before turning to face out the window. I sigh and lean back on my seat. Britt wraps a comforting arm around my shoulder and I lean into her. Whatever happens when we get home's gonna be a shit show.

Noah, Quinn, and I walk slowly as possible to the front door of our place, delaying the inevitable for maybe a good thirty seconds. When we finally come in and unlock the door Mom is already sitting on the couch in the living room watching t.v she doesn't look from the television when  she greets what she presumes to just be Noah and I.

"Noah, Bea, how was your competition?" Mom asks, eyes still not moving from I wanna say Who Can Beat Bobby Flay. When no one answers she looks away to face the three of us. "Oh, uh, who's this?" She asks with furrowed brows. Her one of my kids did something bad senses seem to be blaring in her head right now as she sits up more.

Noah look at Quinn, the floor, then at Mom. Quinn looks at me desperately and I squeeze her hand. Noah sighs. "Quinn and I have to talk to you about something..." Noah walks slowly into the living room to sit opposite to Mom on the couch. I smile at Quinn one more time before heading to my room to set up some sort of sleeping situation for the night and foreseeable future.

I wonder if we still have that air mattress...

After a while I've done my best with the limited supplies found in the linen closet which was to set up a sleeping back on the ground and layer some blankets under it, offer to sleep in it cause duh Quinn's the guest and pregnant, then hope she offers to share the bed then we pick up an air mattress tomorrow.

There's a knock the at door and I turn to see Quinn standing there alone. "Your Mom said that I could stay" She tells me with a shy smile. I walk over to her and sling shot myself at her with a hug, Quinn laughs.

"Great, I set up a sleeping bag so you can have the bed, but I also know that we have popcorn that I can pop down to the kitchen to make and we can watch like Jennifer's Body or something and it can be like a sleepover" I beam at her but Quinn shakes her head with a small smile.

"Thank you but I'm straight up exhausted" I nod in understanding. "Also it's fine and your bed, we can share it for the night" I jump up in excitement again.

"Bet. I promise I'll pick up an air mattress like tomorrow, I'll get you a pair of pajamas." I say in like one giant breath and rush off to my top drawer. Quinn shakes her head and laughs while holding her stomach.

It might not be a 24/7 sleepover but I mean at least Quinn will never let me forget my homework.

𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚎𝚗⭑ 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐 DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now