chapter 1

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"ah! Mr Zhongli you're here I've been looking for you! Gosh... Liyue is humongous..." Childe finally found the sight of Zhongli, he was peacefully sipping his cup of tea, closing his eyes while he's at it. "Childe you're here, sorry I sat at such a cornered space... I just wanted to borrow some mora from you!" Zhongli said, Childe was shocked, he came searching high and low for Zhongli, thinking that he needed something important but it was just for mora instead, he clenched his fists and hung his head low in anger, taking a deep breath, he said "Mr Zhongli... am I really just a useless mora lender to you...?" "N-no! Of course not... you're saving my life just by lending me mora! Isn't that courageous instead of useless? Don't use such a harsh word on yourself, Childe"
"Ahaha! You're so cute Mr Zhongli... acting like a child helplessly asking for stuff with pathetic reasons..." Childe chuckled at Zhongli, he gave Childe a straight face, and sipped his cup of tea again. "H-hey! Was I too mean? Awwwh looks like Mr Zhongli is trying to smile through the pain..." "Enough Childe, please hand over the mora, I've returned you the mora punctually on the previous loans, I would still return you mora for this" Childe sighed inwardly, teasing Zhongli wasn't as fun as it used to be. He handed over the mora and left Liyue emotionally. (tHeY lAuGh aT cHilDe BecAusE hE's eMoOo 🥺🥺🥀🥀🖤🖤)
The next day, Zhongli went to Mondstadt to meet his vision holders, he had nothing to do, when speaking to Noelle, he asked if there were anymore citizens of Mondstadt that held his vision. "There is an alchemist in Dragonspine, his name is Albedo, he has a close relationship with Sucrose which holds the anemo vision... I think he is currently in his lab right now" Zhongli was thankful to Noelle for informing him more about his vision holders, he waved a goodbye to Noelle and bumped into Childe who was talking to Lumine/Aether. Upon seeing Childe talking to traveller, Zhongli's blood started to heat up a little, anger entered his feelings, his heart felt uncomfortable, it was aching and his breathing rate increased rapidly. "Oh Mr Zhongli! What are you doing here?... oh, mora again?" Zhongli walked up to traveller and Childe, he told Childe that he was just visiting his vision holders, "I'm about to meet Albedo, come along if you wish" "Oh Mr Albedo! He might be busy in his lab right now, but I bet he wouldn't hesitate to spare some time to have a talk with you Mr Zhongli!" Traveller said to Zhongli, he gave a smile to hold back his tiny bit of anger between traveller and exited Mondstadt.
Childe followed Zhongli, placing his hands behind his head and walking arrogantly next to Zhongli. "What were you talking about to traveller... what's so special about him/her..." "Oh dear Mr Zhongli! Traveller was the honorary knight who defeated Dvalin! Are you too old to remember? I do recall on telling you about traveller" Zhongli understood what he was saying, and he seemed to calm down. "Brrrr... it's so cold out here... how does Albedo stand this temperature?" Childe groaned out, "you shouldn't wear such a outfit, you might have a stomach ache with that tummy window" Zhongli pitied Childe, he was standing so close to Zhongli just to feel some heat. "Here, wear it... we are nearly there anyways" Zhongli was hesitant about this decision, but he eventually took off his cloak and placed it over Childe's shoulders. "M-Mr Zhongli wouldn't you feel cold? geez your cloak is a little too oversized for me... did you eat a lot of food with my mora?" Childe heard no response from Zhongli, he then sighed and used the other side of the cloak and hanged it over one of Zhongli's shoulder. "ngh... Childe what are doing? My cloak would be too small for both of us-" Zhongli flicked his cloak off his shoulder and continued walking, Childe stared at Zhongli in a boring way and continued to follow him.
              "Hi there, I'm Zhongli... is your name Albedo?" "Ah, yes Mr Zhongli I've heard about you... why are you here?" Zhongli stepped in Albedo's lab followed by Childe.

HEYA CUTIESSS💗💗 so I just wanted to thank you guys for 1k views for my first fanfic :DD I hope you guys would also enjoy this one!

Words:755 words
Time taken: 56 mins

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