chapter 4

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         Finally, it was the middle of the night, midnight. Childe followed his plan and went to the tavern to pick up Zhongli from his day in Mondstadt with Venti, the bard. Now it was just Venti, Zhongli, traveler and Paimon. As Childe walked over to them, Paimon and traveler looked at him relieved, while Venti and Zhongli seemed to be laughing about something. "Oh! Hahaha! I remember that moment! I'm glad it's still in my memories!" Zhongli laughed out. "Childe! Thank goodness you're here! These two got piss drunk on dandelion wine! Help!" "Oh- its only been 2 hours, did they drink a lot?" "Paimon doesn't remember... hmm, but either way, they had a lot and they're going crazy! When we tried to give them water, the tone deaf bard just spilled it all over Paimon!"
"Oh that's hilarious! But don't worry, you're suffering has ended for now, I'll be taking Zhongli with me back to Liyue, but the other one-" "Hold on, are you going to leave us with this drunk bard?" "Unfortunately... yes- sorry..." Childe said as he walked over to Zhongli, who lifted his head up and recognised Childe. "Oh... Childe! *hick* I need some mora..." Zhongli said, trying hard to keep his eyes open. "Mhm... come with me, I'll get you your mora, come on now!" Childe grabbed Zhongli by the waist and decided to carry him along the way. Along the way to the golden house, Zhongli would ask Childe random questions but he would ignore them, until one speech made him stop. "Hmm... my darling's not answering me... *hick* has he gone deaf? *hick*" Childe's face heated up very quickly and his face was pure red. "Oh Mr Zhongli... you drank too much, don't puke on me alright? Quit asking or you'll have more hiccups" Zhongli fell asleep right when Childe said that. Childe turned his head and saw Zhongli sleeping on his shoulder with his drunk red face.
Childe's pov:
Heh, cute
Childe then decided that he should give up on asking Zhongli to fight him again since Zhongli was already half asleep and Childe himself was also ridiculously tired from carrying Zhongli all the way. He made up his mind to just stay at Wangshu Inn with him. Childe hurried in and talked to the boss of Wangshu Inn, she then quickly set them up with a room for them tonight. Childe laid Zhongli down on the bed and then threw himself next to him. The sudden jolt of the bed made Zhongli's eyes spring open. He then sat up and looked at Childe, who seemed to be dozing off. He touched his back and shook him around until he jumped up in surprise. "Mr Zhongli... I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" "Hnm... where are we?" "Uhm- we are at Wangshu Inn, and it's very late Mr Zhongli, we should sleep now" "But I'm not tired, I never was"
"You slept on the way here! Asking so many questions and nearly puking on me, I'm too tired for these games Mr Zhongli..." Childe rubbed his eyes before looking around. He noticed a glass that seemed to have water in it. He grabbed it and smelled it, it had no smell. It was water, so he gave the glass to Zhongli, who then stared back at the ginger with a confused look. "Drink it, please?" "Is it more wine?" "Yeah sure-" He rubbed his eyes once more then sighed. He watched as Zhongli drank some of the water, which obviously wasn't going to work immediately or that much for that matter but, either way it would somehow. Zhongli gave Childe the glass and he then placed it on the table next to the bed. He once again laid next to Zhongli who brought something to his attention. "Childe, are you going to sleep with those clothes on? The ginger suddenly opened his eyes and looked down, realising that both him and Zhongli had their clothes on from earlier on. He sighed and mumbled to himself, then got up and looked for clothes of some sort. All he could find were bath robes so he figured he'd must wear one of those and his underwear. Once again he laid next to the golden eyed male, only to be reminded of something else again, this time making him slightly angry.
"Do I have to sleep naked then? When will you help yourself..." Childe huffed and growled as he got up and walked over to Zhongli. Childe forcefully pushed him back onto the bed and started to take off his clothes. Zhongli was confused yet intrigued. Childe ran off in a huff to find another bath robe, then he once had taken Zhongli's shirt off and sat him back up. "Childe what are you doing?..." "I'm dressing you up so you can go to sleep already" He said with an angry tone coming out of his voice. Zhongli was surprised by his tone. Despite being so drunk, he was still as smart as normal Zhongli after some time. (fluff start) He could tell Childe wasn't happy so he suddenly pulled Childe down and kissed him. Childe was caught off guard by this sudden action, his face turned red but it calmed him down a bit more. Zhongli pulled away, before Childe could deepen the kiss. Childe licked his lips and stared at Zhongli, who returned the gaze innocently.


words: 917 words
time taken: 48 mins

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