chapter 6

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     "Come on Childe... I said I'm sorry, stop acting like a baby now" Zhongli reacted to Childe's look. All of a sudden, Childe sprung up from the bed and stood close to Zhongli. His bright blue eyes was pinned onto the other, Zhongli was rather shocked. The ginger lifted his hand and slided around Zhongli's waist, the other ghosted around his neck. "C-Childe... what are you up to?" Droplets of sweat started forming as his face became red. Childe snatched over Zhongli's waist and turn him 180 degrees, then forcefully pushing him onto the soft white bed, causing him to groan. "Argh! Childe?!—" "Shhh... calm down darling, I understand how cold it is outside... I'll warm you up.."
     Zhongli's POV:
d-darling?! Cold?! It's so warm in here.. what is going on? I don't recall him drinking any wine... he cant be drunk now can he?
     "No need to worry Childe, it's pretty warm in here—" Zhongli's sentence was cut off by an intense kiss. Childe was on top of Zhongli like a predator winning over a prey. Before Zhongli could push him away, Childe swiftly caught his hand and pinned him roughly. Zhongli's last move was to try and dodge Childe's kiss, which only succeeded in doing so for awhile. Childe could feel Zhongli's declining his offer for a kiss. "Hm? How rude of you Zhongli..." Childe said as he started stroking Zhongli's throat tightly, causing him to gasp for air which resulted with a heavy kiss. After moments, Childe has finally let go of Zhongli, who was panting for air. "C-Childe what was that?!.." Zhongli groaned out as he struggled to get up. Childe sent no reply but showed Zhongli his flushed and exhausted face, he immediately understood what Childe was up to. "I-I'm sorry xiansheng... I'm in a little need of you right now.." Childe mumbled and went straight for Zhongli's waiste. His hand slipped from Zhongli's chest to his neck. Zhongli was sweating profusely, which definitely meant that he wasn't ready, but Childe didn't care. Childe slowly unbuttoned Zhongli's clothes with his shaky hands. Before Zhongli knew that he was doing it, he uncontrollably pulled Childe's clothes off. Now, they're torsos were being exposed but Zhongli was the only one who's face was red.
     From moving around on the bed roughly, Zhongli's hair was messed up, which made Childe thought he looked utterly cute and hot. Their lips met continuously, Childe's tongue swept across Zhongli's. Hesitantly the golden-eyed parted his lips, allowing Childe entry. Zhongli moaned into the kiss as Childe's hands ran over his body, from his shoulders down his chest. "C-childe..." Zhongli stuttered, a blushing and sweaty mess already. Childe reached up to cup Zhongli's cheek. "Zhongli..." he whispered. "S-shout out my name.." Childe unbuckled Zhongli's pants, his hands working quickly to remove accessories. "T-That is ridiculous.. why would i even—" Zhongli immediately got quiet when Childe starting swirling his fingers around his faint abs. "Childe!.." Zhongli gasped out, while it began to tickle. He twitched, blushing furiously as Childe bent down and inspected Zhongli's b0ner, gripping it lightly with a hand. The bottom struggled not to moan as he looked at Childe in shock, unused to the feeling of somebody else touching him. "Relax..." Childe said again, licking the fingers of his left hand, as his right pinned on Zhongli. Zhongli pushed his sweaty hair off his forehead, trying to control his breathing as Childe strokes his thigh.
"aughh.." Zhongli moaned out lowly, feeling the pleasure course through his body. He stiffened when he felt Childe gently press against his neck. "Please?.." Childe spoke softly. "A few more times..." Zhongli let out a quiet sound of agreement, lifting an arm to cover his red face. Right after he took in some breaths to steady himself, Childe pulled him close and forced open Zhongli's mouth. "Mmh..!" he sounded as he felt Childe do all sorts of stuff to his tongue. Their saliva was mixed repeatedly, as Childe swerved his tongue in a rough manner. Their mouths finally separated, strings of saliva was still hanging from it. This time, Childe got more active. He reached his hand out to Zhongli's oPeNinG and started to scissor it open, stretching him out. Chuckling, he shoved his his johnson in gently and slowly. "A-ahh!... mmh.." Zhongli moaned out, extra loud. "Shh... no need to whimper too loud..-" Childe hushed, using his free hand to cover his mouth. Zhongli was extremely flushed and could only open his eyes slightly. Childe chuckled inwardly, face still red while he started to pump it in faster, causing Zhongli to whimper and breathe unsteadily. "C-Childe... mmh!.. it's getting very l-late.." Zhongli stuttered. Right when he said that, Childe slid out his johnson roughly, strings of semen was dripping from it. Zhongli moaned louder, suddenly slapping a hand over his mouth, realizing how loud he's getting.
     Zhongli's pov:
What if someone heard us?..
    Glancing towards the door which-thankfully-he had remembered to close behind him when he carried Childe in. The night was rather noisy for them due to their noises, nonetheless, they both enjoyed the night at least.

HII CUTIESS!!! I JUST FINISHED THIS FF :D also ChiLi is my fav ship! I wanted to write longer but I got a little tired- I hope this is fine!

words: 914 words
time taken: 1h

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