chapter 5

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"u-uh... Zhongli? What is this?..." Childe stuttered, extremely flushed. "I read somewhere that kisses from a lover can make you calm" the golden eyed male said, breaking the moments of hesitation. "Lover?- Zhongli, do you even know what that means?.."
     Zhongli's pov:
not going by Mr Zhongli anymore? Oh well
     "I believe I do, is it not someone that loves you? I-I love you Childe... I love you, very much, that makes me a lover, right?" Childe stood in shock. Despite Zhongli not exactly knowing what that meant, he did say that he loved Childe. Those words that Zhongli said kept echoing in Childe's mind and he's unable to stop it, still, he isn't sure if it is Zhongli talking or the alchohol. Childe didn't say anything, he just leaned closer and locked lips with the other male once again. This time he tried deepening the kiss but Zhongli wouldn't allow him to, so he swiftly bit Zhongli's bottom lip. He gasped from the slight pain, giving Childe a chance to slip his tongue through. At this moment, Zhongli groaned softly and closed his eyes, Childe slowly climbed on top of him then pinned his hands to the bed. Zhongli was kicking about, using his legs to push the bed sheet a little but then realised how defeated he was. He then stopped struggling and left himself being the loser. Opening his mouth and allowing Childe to shove his tongue all the way inside of Zhongli's mouth, till somewhere at the throat. Zhongli opened his eyes and stared into Childe's blue and lustful eyes, which were almost completely different than before. He let out an embarrassingly loud moan before Childe pulled away from the kiss.
     Childe sat next to Zhongli, both of them panting heavily. As they looked at each other, Childe noticed the strands of mixed saliva sticking from the upper part of his mouth to the lower part as Zhongli gasped for air. "I think, it's better we sleep now Childe" Zhongli said. "Yeah we should.." Childe mumbled, still holding the feeling of wanting to bite him. Following Zhongli's idea, they fell asleep, together.
"Childe... wake up" Zhongli said warmly. "Mmmh! 5 more minutes father!" Childe whined out not realising he's with Zhongli after a long slumber. "Childe... it's me, Zhongli, you're in Liyue now not Sneznaya" "huh? O-oh right" Childe groaned, rubbing his eyes as he got up. Not along later, Childe started frowning in a sad way, eyes not shimmering anymore. "It's been nearly a month since I've been back in Sneznaya... I wonder how my siblings are doing" "You can always go back to them, maybe I can... cover your work for you?" Zhongli comforted even though what he said would not happen. "Mr Zhongli... I'm the 11th fatui harbinger! You can't possibly do that" Childe sighed in disappointment. Zhongli could tell that he was very tired and depressed but had no clue to help him. "I'm sorry Childe, I have work to do today. Before I forget, here is your mora in return" Zhongli took out some mora and gave them to Childe. As he got out of bed and walked off, Childe gave in, he reached his hand out for Zhongli and hugged him from the back, holding in his tears. "You are my lover Zhongli... and I, feel the same way..." Zhongli stood in shock, blushing a little. "I want you to stay..." Zhongli started having many butterflies as he felt Childe's warm arms around him, but he wonders why he's acting so clingy.
"1 more night... please?" Childe begged, wanting to stay with his lover for another night due to his sadness.
Zhongli's POV:
he's such a bottom when he's sad... adorable 😙
As the day went on, Childe has been following Zhongli everywhere like a pet, despite that, they both felt comfortable with each other. "Are you feeling any better? Still missing your siblings?" "I'm fine now... with your company" the flipping of paperwork could be heard. Zhongli covered his mouth and yawned softly, then leaning his head oh his palm. Childe sat beside him, watching him do the work while getting tired as well. "Mr Zhongli... it's already 10pm... we should go back to Wangshu Inn" Childe said placing his head on Zhongli's shoulder limply. He ruffled Childe's hair a little and smiled, "Alright... I just need to complete 1 more paper then I'm done" Childe nodded his head lightly, meaning to accept what Zhongli said. "I'm done now, we can—" The awaken male paused his sentence when he saw Childe asleep on his shoulder.
Zhongli held Childe into his hand gently and carried him back to Wangshu Inn. In the room, Zhongli settled Childe in the bed, trying hard to not jolt the bed and wake him. He found the tired asleep male cute as he slept, thus giving a feather-like kiss on his cheek before unbuttoning his clothes. The touch of Zhongli's lips on Childe's cheeks caused him to wake up from his short nap. (SORRY GUYS THIS WAS MEANT TO BE FLUFF BUT I HAVE AN INTENTION TO WRITE SMUT NOW 😔) Childe stared at Zhongli who was unbottoning his clothes back faced at him. "Oh~ can you kiss me again?" Childe flirted. "You're awake? Sorry, I must've caused you to wake up... but you have to change your clothes anyways" Zhongli turned around and said, his shirt was halfway unbuttoned, exposing his chest. It was night time, it definitely had turned Childe on. He stood up, looking at Zhongli in a "scary" way.

this will be smut. i didn't stutter

words: 944 words
time taken: 1h 28mins

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