chapter 3

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     "ngh... y-you sure are very powerful Mr Zhongli... I-I definitely look forward to more-" Childe has fallen. It was obvious that Childe couldn't take Zhongli in a fight. Those were his last words from the battle, he limply fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Zhongli sighed inwardly as he carried Childe gently and held him close, "I'm so sorry Childe... I wish I gave mercy"
      Nearly an hour passed on the same day, the timing was when most people would've fallen asleep, but Zhongli took the courage to sit by Childe's side while he was recovering. When Childe woke up, he couldn't really tell where he was but noticed his dozing saviour sitting by his side.
      Childe's pov:
What happened? Oh man I can barely remember anything... did I win the battle? I don't think I should ask Zhongli right now... he is already asleep! But the fact is... how is he sleeping while sitting? 😟 (HAHA LMAO)
      The next day's arrival has reached, the shining light from the sun shined brightly on the Teyvat grounds, the brightness shining from the window to Childe's face caused him to arise from his slumber, he got up and rubbed his eyes. Zhongli wasn't sitting by his side anymore, thus he went to explore the place he was in and realised he was in a booked room at Wangshu Inn, Zhongli must've helped him get a room to rest in. "Morning Miss, have you seen a tall..." Childe was hesitant wether to continue his sentence, he looked at the Wangshu Inn's boss's confused face, not saying a word. "A tall what mister? Do you mind continuing your sentence here or you want to talk privately? if so... feel free to inform me" "Ah! No need for that... anyways uh- have you seen a tall... handsome man in a mixture of brown and black tuxedo?..." Childe said out confidently at the boss. Coincidentally, Zhongli was there, holding a cup of tea meant for Childe, he looked at the ginger with his eyes widened. The men both looked at each other, waiting for something to break the silence. "Oh Childe! How are you feeling? I woke up early to get some tea for you... but didn't expect you to recover so quickly and look for me, would you like some tea?" Zhongli finally said out after some moments of silence, Childe wanted to act on like Zhongli too to not make the boss of Wangshu Inn suspicious. "Oh Mr Zhongli, how sweet! I'm not badly injured for now so there's no need to take great care of me, let's have some tea"
Childe walked over to a table bending over a little like an old folk due to his injuries. Zhongli and Childe sat down as they had their tea. "You didn't hear what I said to her right?... it's nothing special anyways" Childe spoke out.
Zhongli's pov:
what a fool, I definitely heard what you said about me Childe... what do I say? No?...
"Hm... I did hear you say stuff but I couldn't tell what you were saying though, mind telling me?" "Oh! I just asked the boss if she knew where you was..."upon hearing that, Zhongli's face turned red as he knew exactly what Childe said. He shoved his hand in between the strands of his hair closing his eyes, not wanting Childe to see his face. "Mr Zhongli? Are you alright? You're red..." "oh I'm fine, the weather is pretty cold today... and before I forget, may I have more mora? I decided to meet up with Venti today for wine... please?" Childe sighed in frustration, but he knew he had to get used to Zhongli's demands, it would be for a lifetime. "Alright! But what about the mora I gave about two days ago? Did you spend them all already? That's not important anyways... here, 100 mora only, Venti would pay for his drinks, you better not help him pay" Childe took out some mora for Zhongli and placed them on the table. "Since you're so good in combat, can you be my trainer?" Childe asked, but Zhongli shook his head in disagreement, "my training would be too intense for you, you're just a beginner for me, if you want... you could ask people with the same vision as yours, the training will be more sufficient" Childe looked at Zhongli sipped his cup of tea and whined in complaint.
       It was about time Zhongli had to go to the tavern to meet Venti, it was quite far from Liyue so he had to go slightly earlier (LETS PRETEND THAT WAYPOINTS DIDNT EXIST OK?? 😕). "Childe, we've been sitting here for quite a while now, thanks for accepting my offer for tea. I will have to go now, see you soon" Zhongli said as he walked off, leaving his cup behind. Childe began to feel lonely, he was much happier with Zhongli's company.
      Childe's pov:
how dreadful... wait, if Mr Zhongli gets drunk, he would definitely accept to fight me! And I can finally find out who would win! I'm a genius, I'll go fetch Zhongli back when he's done drinking with Venti
HI YALLS :D apparently my exams are still going on (7/11/21,D/M/Y) but the exams left are pretty easy so I have more time to spend on my fanfics! Thank you for those who supported me along the way :))

Words:919 words 😩
Time taken: 56 mins

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