Acknowledgment and final A/N

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I made it .. I finally did it!!! I finished this fanfic!!!

This is my first multi chapter work I've actually finished and it makes me so fucking happy .. alongside being the one with the most reads and votes .. and I just can't thank you all enough for it .. it would have never been possible for me to finish this if it wasn't for your constant support and comments that kept me going.. and I just can't thank you all enough for it!

I hope you all liked reading this fic .. I worked very hard on it .. and writing it helped me quiet a lot too .. special thanks to all of you have been here before I went into my super long haitus and struck around so long, I love and appreciate you all so much!

I was thinking about submitting it for the wattys but decided against it.  Even though there is some time left and I can speedrun final edits if I want . 

I'll slowly edit out any mistakes it has and clean up the A/Ns before marking it as complete..

This is it I guess ..this the point where our journey ends, where this book ends .. I hope you enjoyed it .. you can check out my other works if you want to ..

Once again, thank you for all the love and support for this stupid little fanfiction.

Goodbye until next time (maybe?)

Have a nice day/night!

Love, Vianna_spt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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