7: Pomeranians and green Yaks

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The picture above is a sketch I drew of Ikuyu (I know I'm not the best artist but .... ) I had earlier drawn him like an exact mirror image of Izuku just with same quality hair just longer and with the exact same expressions and all but then I changed it at the last moment they have the same face cut and all I only changed the hair and the way thy wear there expressions.

Okay .. on to the chapter now.


Ikuyu took another mouthful of his Tempura udon and took in the scene around him, on his right was Izuku with his friends Iida and Urararaka, while on his left side were Yui and Ranma, in her female form, they were all excitedly discussing about their teachers and all the classes they'd had so far. It was hard for him to believe that this was actually real. Not long ago they were the friendless nerd and antisocial geek of their middle school and look at them now, it was just the second day of school and they already had friends of their own.

He had total belief in Izuku, he was a friendly kid, really likable, he just needed a change of place and he could make anyone his friend. On the other hand, he hadn't expect this for himself, he had made a total of 1 friend in elementary and middle school combined, he couldn't expect anything in the friends department from himself. He just wished that he didn't have to spent his entire three years at UA alone. Without Yui and Ranma, he probably would have but these two well hell bent on being some sort of BFFs with him or something. 

Ranma had just said something really funny and everyone was laughing when they heard a excited voice booming at them, "Whoa man, you look exactly like Midoriya! Are you related or something!".

 Ikuyu turned his head to the direction of the sound, he saw a guy with spiky red hair literally dragging a grunge Bakugou with him and a blond boy with a black lightning bolt highlight in his hair walking beside them. By the time his sentence was over the three were standing beside their table and Bakugou looked like he would have choosen death over being here, he wasn't even looking at there table.

"Oh, Kirishima, Kaminari this is twin brother Ikuyu." Izuku introduced.

"Fraternal." Ikuyu added, he had a habit of always specifying it because if he didn't then they would always ask about their different hair textures which ment they would have to answer that anyway.

"Wow, as Midoriya said, I'm Kirishima Eijero and that is Kaminari Denki." He smiled and Kaminari waved, Bakugou didn't even acknowledged them.

"Nice to meet you." He was a little taken aback by their enthusiasm, not with Bakugou's indifference though, he still smiled at them.

"Also, I'm Yui Hirasawa and this is Ranma." Yui interjected, they wanted to be included too.

"Hello to you too." Kaminari smiled at the girls before returning his attention back to Ikuyu, " they look so alike." He gushed.

"Yeah man, almost like it's Midoriya with a wig!" Kirishima said.

"You know they are both Midoriya's right." Uraraka chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh, I guess you're right." Kirishima rubbed the back of his head. Bakugou was now looking at them from the corner of his eyes, he had only ever seen Ikuyu yelling at him or staying painfully quite, Ikuyu in a normal functional conversation was a new concept to him.

"Are you saying my hair looks like a fake wig." Ikuyu raised raised in a mock offended expression.

"What, no bro that's now what I ment. Your hair looks super manly!" Kaminari complimented.

Ikuyu wasn't used to being complemented at all, no one outside his family had ever complimented his hair, not even Takeo. Even though it was a 'unique' complement, it was still a first. A very light unnoticeable blush dusted his freckled cheeks as he awkwardly smiled saying, "Thanks I guess, your hair's great too"

Yesterday Bakugou too angry to notice but today when he first caught a glimpse of Ikuyu in the cafeteria he almost froze for a second. His hair was tied into a ponytail with some loose locks framing his face, someone had cracked a joke and he was covering his mouth with the back of his hand and chuckling, there was a certain softness in his face and a different glow in his eyes that he had never seen before. Bakugou started feeling something similar to what he did 10 months ago, on tbe day of the sludge villain attack. The moment this feeling startind bubbling in his chest he immediately snapped his head in different direction, 'No' He yelled in his head, he didn't need to feel it again. It was his sudden movement that brought their attention to Ikuyu in the first place.

Even though not one on the table noticed Ikuyu's blush, to Bakugou it felt like it was coloured with bright fluorescent pink highlighter. He didn't like the fact that Ikuyu and Kirishima were talking, but nothing, nothing could have bothered him more than seeing Ikuyu blush at something he said. Why? He had no explanation for that, he just felt really very furious.

"You have terrible taste in hair shitty hair." Bakugou's statement was filled with with pure rage, even more than his usual tone, Kirishima being Kirishima didn't pick on that though.

"Says the one who's hair makes him look like a Pomeranian." Ikuyu scoffed. All this time he didn't even acknowledge anyone at the table and the moment he decides to do that is just to insult his hair, that annoyed him a lot.

"What did you say you Fucking Green Yak!" Bakugou yelled through clenched teeth, he looked like he was about to pounce on him any moment. The fact that Ikuyu didn't even look at him when he spoke angered him more than what he said.

Iida immediately stood up and started yelling at Bakugou with his chop hands about how he could not start a fight in the cafeteria while Kaminari's face held an expression of pure confusion probably because of the Yak statement. Kirishima, Uraraka, Yui and Ranma just stared awkwardly, hoping that he doesn't activate his quirk even though Yui and Ranma had no idea what it was and Izuku was sweating by how anxious it was making him. Bakugou didn't care of any of their expressions though, he was looking straight at Ikuyu, who blandly used his chopsticks and slurped some noodles from his bowl.

Ikuyu's lack of reaction made Bakugou want to blow off his bowl of food right off his hand but what he did was entirely different, he turned around and stormed out of the room. It took a moment for everyone to take in what just happened.

"We'll go after him now, sorry for that. See you all later." Kaminari  said awkwardly.

"Not the best course of action if you value your life. It was nice meeting you though." Ikuyu smiled a little.

"Yeah, he's right, you should probably give Kacchan some time to cool off." Izuku seconded that.

"You three have some serious buried history." Kaminari said thoughtfully before asking, "what's a Yak ?"

"I'll explain later Kaminari, let's go now." Kirishima grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the same door Bakugou stormed off from.

"Wow, what just happened." Yui blurted.

"That's just regular Katsuki Bakugou for you." Ikuyu stated as he put the last bite of his Tempura udon into his mouth.

Izuku just sighed, he knew nothing of the recent interactions between Ikuyu and Bakugou, the only interaction that he knew about was the one on the enterence exam day and he was confused as to why after all this section years he was acting like a Bakugou expert.

"So, today we are going to have our first hero training class along with the creativity course class, anyone excites about that ?" Uraraka finally said trying to lift the awkward silence that had fallen over the table.


1277 words

This was a really short chapter. I tried making it longer but I couldn't. I had been super excited to write this scene but it probably didn't play as well as I had thought in my head. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and do vote, comment and share. (Please people, please, I really feel like you all are reading it but not liking it. Please tell me how this is is going and tell me ways to make it better.)

Have a nice day!

~love, Vianna_spt.

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