10: From Coffee to Dinner?

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Ikuyu was working part time at the Cafe without fixed work hours, which was how he found himself being called in for an extra evening shift on the third day of his work. Not like he was bitter about it or anything, at least not until a certain ash blond entered through the glass doors.

Things had gotten an awe full lot more awkward between them since there coffee together, so much that since that day Ikuyu had actually been almost sprinting all the way home after his shift ended to avoid accidently running into Bakugou during his break. The awkwardness wasn't just because it was the first time in years that they had willingly agreed on spending some time together.

It was also because that was the first time he had seen him in his hero costume, taking in his masked face and how perfectly his skin tight black and orange tank top hugged his beautifully chiseled chest, his broad shoulders and strong arms. The day at the beach Bakugou had been shirtless but Ikuyu was too worried to notice but that day he finally come to the realisation that mother Puberty had made his little Bakago hot now. His casual looking had soon turned into obvious staring and obviously Bakugou had called him out in his aggressive not so nice way and now he wasn't even sure if he could face him again.

The only reason why he had agreed to take the evening shift was because he was sure that there was enough time between Bakugou getting off his internship and his shift starting for them to not run into each other but apparently his calculations were wrong. To make matters worse, there eyes just had to meet the moment he entered, Ikuyu stumbled on his foot almost falling. 'Way to make a fool of yourself Ikuyu, good job.' He grumbled to himself, thankfully the tray in his hand was empty or he would probably be soaking in coffee, very skillfully ignoring the heartbeat he skipped.

Both of them looked away, Ikuyu regained his composure and resumed his walk back to his spot behind the counter while Bakugou started frantically looking for an empty table to sit. He finally found one at the corner of the room, facing the farthest from the telivison and facing directly towards where Ikuyu currently stood. While Bakugou could always just take his coffee and go and read whatever paperwork Best Jeanist had given him once he got home but he had had a rather pointless but big argument with his mother and while she would'nt be acting any different from usual, he still didn't want to face her yet.

Bakugou quickly gave his order and grudgingly went and took that empty seat. He placed his suitcase on the ground beside his seat and took out the paperwork he had to get over. The sound of the television played in the background along with the chattering of the other customers as Katsuki tried to focus on his work. It wasn't easy though because every few minutes his eyes kept leaving the paper to find the greenette weaving continously between the tables journeying back and forth the sitting area with a tray in his hand.

Ikuyu's hair was in a messy bun to keep it from coming on his way, he had an apron on and was serving there beverages to everyone with a smile. Katsuki's eyes kept wandering back to him again and again and he had to try really hard to not make them linger at every movement he made, from the way his stray locks kept slipping and he kept pushing them back from time to time to the concentration on his face every time he emerged with a filled tray . It was hardest not to stare at his smile with which se served everyone, the smile that wasn't directed towards him in a very long time.

It especially annoyed him when a girl from the girl group sitting on a table across from him started trying to flirt with him. He almost crumpled the papers in his hands but domehow stopped himself, although he still couldn't stop himself from calling him, asking him why him his order was taking so long.

Ikuyu left the girls' table, leaving the girl who was trying to pry his phone number or any social media I'd without any reply, while Ikuyu wasn't oblivious to her attempts he tried to seem that way, it was making him slightly uncomfortable. While he was very aware of Bakugou's eyes on him and wanted to stear clear off him, he was almost thankful right now.

I am no Hero ! (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now