11: A prank and a kiss

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After the dinner together Ikuyu and Katsuki didn't come across each other until the day school reopened. They had been civil towards each other that day and they did have those parting words about not being friends, nothing could have hinted or prepared Ikuyu for how Katsuki started treating him at school. Katsuki was now coming at him with an increased hostility and Ikuyu wasn't one to back down either so he was pushing back with the same intensity.

One such encounter had just ended and Ikuyu was curently sitting with his friends eating lunch. Since both their friend circles were expanding, the twins had decided that they should sit on different tables.

"Sometimes, it almost seems like you two bicker because you just can't stay away from each other." Asuta spoke before stuffing her mouth with a dumpling. Yui and Ranma had gone through a great amount of effort to make her accept there friendship and bring her to their table.

Ikuyu swolled his food, he blinked and looked at her like she had just grown two bunny ears from her head and whiskers, "What makes you think that, trust me, we wouldn't want anything more than to never have to see each other's face again.", He said.

That caused Asuta and Shinso to roll there eyes together. Ikuyu looked at Shinso with wide eyes, "Et tu, Brute?" He spoke with a mock hurt tone and pained expression.

Shinso coughed "drama queen" under his breath.

"That was another one of your play references right? Ugh, I never get them, I feel so stupid." Yui groaned.

"It's okay Yui, I never get them either so that makes it two of us" Ranma smiled.

"Well, that does make me feel less stupid. Back to the topic now, tell us what happened between you two. Last thing I knew, he was avoiding you like the plague and now you two bicker like your life depends on it." Yui voiced what everyone had been thinking.

"Me and who again? " Ikuyu tried to act clueless.

"You know who were talking about. He's the same person who's currently glaring continously at us." Asuta rolled her eyes again, she was really too into rolling her eyes on every occasion.

Her comment made Ikuyu immediately snap his head towards Bakugou's table, he was angrily chewing at his food while looking moodily at the red head, Kirishima who was speaking with a very excited expression. No, Ikuyu was not at all dissapointed that he was looking at Kirishima and not him.

"No he isn't!" Ikuyu turned back his head to Asuta.

"I know, but I made you look. Now you know who were talking about so spill."

Ikuyu sighed, "I kinda forgot to tell you guys but he did kind of challenge or threaten me on the sport festival day, I'm not sure what it was yet. Then during the internship week when I was working at that cafe, he saved me from a road accident and I bought him coffee later that day as a thank you. Then two days later the day of the Hosu city villain attack day, we were both at the cafe when we saw that in in the news, my mom was panicking at home and he came with me to see here and we.. uh.. we cooked and had dinner together." He explained.

"Whoa..." Yui said, her mouth still formed into the shape of an 'O' even though she wasn't speaking anymore. The rest of them looked at him with similar expressions, they looked more than a little surprised.

"That's a lot of things." Yui spoke again.

"Yeah, but none are things that make people more hostile towards each other but what I think brings people closer. There has to be something more to it to explain the fighting." Asuta added.

"Wait! No one's going to ask why Bakugou went to see his mother in the first place?" Shinso asked, clearly confused.

"They were childhood friends, Shin" Yui replied like it was the most well known fact in the universe while Asuta gave him a look that ment she was mentally calling him dumb.

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