19: A Date and A Revelation

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Here's Yui Hirasawa for you, a hint for what is to come next *wink* *wink*.

But before we go to the chapter I want to clear an error I made, last chapter I wrote that only the 1-A dorm was named Heights alliance, I later realised that it is the name of all the UA dorms. I have edited it but I felt the need to specify.

Also, we're at 3k now, like wow .. it's like we're getting 1k reads each week. This makes me feel so happy and proud!

Moving to the chapter now.


It was just another casual Friday evening at the 1-C dorm, all the students were relaxing after a tiring week of school work. Many were just lounging in the common room while others preferred staying in their own rooms or their friend's. Ikuyu himself was sitting in his room, music playing from his phone while he tried to get a creative writing assignment done for his extra creativity course class with Tanako Sensei.

Amongst the beautiful singing of Sam Smith, he heard the unmistakable sound of someone knocking on his dorm room door, he got out of his comfortable position in his blanket to check who it was while also picking up his phone and pausing the music. He opened the door to find a slightly flustered Yui standing there nervously fiddling with fingers.

"Hi!" She looked up at him and smiled sweetly.

"Oh, Hey Yui, anything I can help you with ?" Ikuyu asked politely, it was rather strange for her to come without texting him first, this was one rule they had started to follow since they moved into the dorms because Asuta, Shinsou and sometimes Ikuyu too, we're really serious about there 'me time'.

"Uh, I just came to ask you about the fair that opened today. Would you like to go there tomorrow? Only if you're free though, or if you aren't going home, no pressure." She blurted out with frantic hand movements, a little more than her normal enthusiastic self.

"Sounds great, what did the rest of the gang say ?" He asked, he was kinda curious as to why she didn't just ask this in the group chat instead of in person.

"Ranma told me they're planning to go on Sunday."

"Then why are you asking me about tomorrow instead?" Ikuyu asked, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Actually, I was hoping we could go together, like just the two of us, sort of like a date or something ?" Yui explained, she was no longer looking at him, her eyes were focused down, staring at her own hands as she fiddled with her fingers, partly because she was nervous and partly to hide her blush.

"Oh, ooh .." He stretched out the second oh, his mind finally catching up with what was happening here. Yui was asking him out! On! A! Date! He felt himself blushing awkwardly too, this was the first time anyone was asking him out and he had no idea what to say. He wasn't someone who got easily flustered, he could easily tease people, say innuendos but this situation, this was one of those when his inner Midoriya traits surfaced.

When Ikuyu didn't say anything in return for a long time, Yui peeked at him from under her bangs, only to find Ikuyu with a slightly gaping mouth, too shocked to speak. "So ?" She finally spoke up, bringing him out of his trance, "Will you come or not, if it's too awkward for you then we can just go on Sunday with the rest of the gang, that would be fine too."

"Uh. Um .. I need some time to think." Ikuyu said sheepishly, an awkward but cute smile decorated his face.

"Oh, okay, thinking is good." She blurted out and then mentally facepalming the moment those words tumbled out of her mouth. His cute awkwardness did short circuit her brain a little.

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