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I passed out after being stabbed and when I came to I was hanging in a different room with a bandage around my stomach

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I passed out after being stabbed and when I came to I was hanging in a different room with a bandage around my stomach.

I guess they don't want me to die yet.

A few minutes later Miguel walks in but doesn't say anything. He just stands there with his arms crossed while looking me over.

I decide to break the silence

"Where's she?" I ask

"Amelia?" He asks back and I nod

"She's receiving punishment" he replies like it's the most normal thing ever. "She had no right to lay a hand on you. No one but me can cause you pain and happiness"

"You bastard" I yell and try to reach for him but the chains I'm tied with stop me. She was mine to kill.

"That's not what you should be calling your man" he says and walks towards me.

I stay silent and he grabs my face "I wonder how many people those lips has touched" he says as he rubs his fingers on them.

"But it won't matter since I will be claiming it back" he says and smashes his lips to mine. He holds my jaw and forces my mouth open and kiss me.

I try to move but it doesn't work so I bite him and instead of him being in pain he smiles "you marked me" he says with a grin while touching it.

He takes another step forward and I spit in his face which lands me a slap across the face.

He laughs "looks like I've been too lenient with you. I let you do want you want and you think you can do anything" he says with a punch to my stomach.

I cough "what do you want from me" I finally asks. I never really knew what he wanted from me, all I know is that he's obsessed and it's not a good obsession.

He pauses and smiles "I don't want anything from you, I just want you. And the micro chip you've got hiding somewhere" he says and moves my hair out of my face. "But most importantly, I want everyone around you to suffer, especially your father"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say

"Don't lie to me my love. I know you were working on a chip and I want it.

"You're never gonna get your hands on it because I destroyed it" I spit out while glaring at him but he just laughs it off.

"You're just like your father" he says while caressing my face.

"What has my dad done to you?" I yell out and he laughs again

"Ah I think you're misunderstanding, i don't mean your two fake fathers, I mean your actual father"

I flinch "what?"

What is he talking about? My actual father?

"Do you want to hear a fun story?" He says and grabs a chair from the corner of the room and sits in front of me.

"There used to be four of us, Amelia, Matteo, Anna and me. We grew up together and had each other's back. Me the heir to the Spanish mafia, Matteo to the Italian Mafia, Amelia and Anna to the biggest mafia in Australia. We thought nothing could separate us"

"But Amelia she's greedy and the older we got the more greedier she got but i didn't care because I loved her but she didn't love me"

He sighs "Anna was married off to the Americans as a way to merge together but Amelia was not happy about that because it was her who loved Sebastian. She first went to Matteo but he wouldn't help then she came to me, she used the love I had for her to get me to help her"

"We planned to kill Anna and make it look like an accident and we did. When Matteo found out he didn't speak to us anymore. He couldn't even stand looking at us and I get it. I watched the girl I grew up with choke on her own blood in front of me and left a 5 month old baby without a mother"

"When she died Amelia took advantage of the grief Sebastian was going through. I guess Sebastian saw Anna in her because he caved and a few years later they were married"

"What happened to you then?" I ask "were you abounded?"

He laughs "Being abounded wouldn't have hurt that bad, but Amelia she tried to kill me and everyone who knew about what happened. She burned me alive and stood there smiling. The pain of being burned was extreme. Everyone thought I was dead so the Mafia was passed on to my brother"

"What has this story got to do with me?"

He gets up from the chair "it has everything to do with you"

"After years of recovery I went back to claim what was mine but I was kicked out of my own home so I asked Matteo for help and she told me it was the karma I deserved. I had no one and I wanted revenge so I decided to build my own mafia"

"Years later in the course of finding information on Amelia I found out that she and Matteo met. I don't know exactly what happened but I know they slept together. It was just a one time thing though. I'm sure he regretted it after because they haven't met each other since. Then you and Ava came along"

I inhale "so?" I ask

"DO THE MATH" he yells and continues

"After she gave birth to you two all the attention left her and we're focused on you two. Especially you. You were so tiny no one thought you would make it through the night. They didn't even give you a name until you were three and she hated you"

"She was the one who gave birth and was in pain so why were you the one getting the attention she wanted? It made her crazy"

"Honestly I don't know how she heard about my 'boarding school' or what she planned. She didn't recognize me because of the surgery I got from being burned and brought you to me. I didn't know until the moment you open your eyes and had the same look Matteo had when he turned his back on me"

"That's when everything got exciting"


"I know I lie a lot but not about this. Ava has a couple of his features but you, you look like his twin"

"So why only me? Why not Ava?" I ask

"Ah don't worry, she will die soon. She doesn't know it but she will" he says with the most psychotic laugh I've ever heard.

"You bastard" I yell and he slaps me again

"I told you not to call me that" he says while inhaling and exhaling then he claps

"Now let's give daddy dearest a call. I'm sure he'll be trilled to see his daughter"

 I'm sure he'll be trilled to see his daughter"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Thanks for reading ❤️

Idk if the story makes any sense but it kinda did when I was writing it but reading through I'm not so sure about it😞

Also Amelia and Anna are twins.

(The baby they are talking about is the first son) Elijah is Anna's son and the rest of the children are for Amelia.

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