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Everything that went down at the party was very surprising but what stood out the most for me was catching Miguel

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Everything that went down at the party was very surprising but what stood out the most for me was catching Miguel.

On one hand it feels very easy but on the other hand it makes me exited that I can finally torture him and deal with him as much as he did me.

When I found out from Dad that someone was searching for my info and that they found out since my photo was in the police database, I was not very surprised since it wouldn't be the first time someone wanted to find me but when I found out who it was my heart dropped.

I couldn't believe that even after all these years he's still on the search for me. When we brought him back from the party everyone had a go at him.

I even saw a new side to my mom who doesn't like blood. She kept hitting him until his body slumped but one thing that surprised me was that his resolve was not broken.

No matter how much we caused him pain or interrogated him, he would not give up. He kept smiling throughout as if he enjoyed the pain he was receiving.

He did say one thing that's been on my mind for a while, even now as the lecture has ended and everyone is making their way out I keep seated trying to wrap my head around it.

"You look unfocused for someone who could die any minute"

A man's voice pulls me out of my trance and I turn to my right to see Damien with the dagger I got him for his birthday.

"Are you here to kill me" I ask

"Nope. Not yet" he replies and takes a seat beside me and I smirk without him noticing.

"Okay then what do you want if not to kill me?" I ask and begin packing my books.

A few seconds pass by before he says something "I'm here to propose a truce"

Excuse me? What?

"Cut the cameras" I say while laughing. I laugh really hard that I begin to tear up but when I notice him not saying anything I stop and look at him.

"You're being serious?" I ask and he nods. I gap in disbelief because what the actual fuck. How could he even say- no how could he think that?

"Unbelievable! You think a hundred years rivalry can be stopped with a truce? Are you stupid?" I ask but don't wait for a reply and get up to leave he goes to get up but I put a hand on his shoulder to stop himself

"I wouldn't get up if I were you" I say and he tilts his head in confusion.

"Why?" He asks

"The chair you're sitting on is pressure wired. One wrong move and kaboom" I reply and take my hand off his shoulder while taking a step back.

I knew he was going to come. Knowing his father, he wouldn't let me go now that he knows who I am so I also prepared something for his son but I didn't expect him to say such nonsense.

I look at my wrist watch and turn back to him to see him with a blank look.

"You have about three minutes left. Move before the three minutes are up and I'll see you in the afterlife" I say and walk out but not before hearing him laugh.

I got home and I was told that we've been invited to dinner with the Smiths and I wasn't gonna refuse refuse because I had to catch someone red-handed or just get evidence of their involvement.

I know Damien did not die since I would have heard of it. I'm a little disappointed but it's whatever, I can get him next time.

I get ready for the dinner and wait in the living room for the rest of the family. Max is the first to get down and runs to me. Then Henry and mom and dad come down too.

Dad hands me the contacts I'm supposed to be wearing in oder to record everything I see. I thank him and we all get into our cars. Max with me of course. Henry wanted to drive and I wasn't letting him touch my car so he also got into his.

We get to the smith mansion about 30 minutes later and they let us in. We drive in and see different cars up front but we pay no mind to it as it is none of our business.

Max rings the bell and Lucas opens it after a few seconds with Liam standing not so far behind him. He smiles and welcomes us in but I just nod in acknowledgment and walk in.

Walking in, I realize that the building hasn't changed much except for a couple furnitures. We walk in a little further and I see the rest of the family and I can't help but cringe when I see the smiles on their faces, except for Ava and Amelia who have a frown of course.

Honestly except for Gabriel everyone else just looks ugly to me.

Sebastian gets up and the rest follow. They walk towards us- no, they walk towards me. Seeing this dad steps forward and grab Sebastian's outstretched hand that was almost about to touch me and gives him a shake.

I bite the inside of my mouth to keep myself from laughing. Count on dad to take care of the annoying stuff.

Mom steps forward also and pushes me behind her and Max grabs my hand making smile.

I love my family so much.

They awkwardly greet me and I just nod back before they usher us into the dining room.

Honestly speaking, the food was good and everything was going well and I feel like things would have ended okay but then Sebastian had to go and open his mouth.

"Eureka, I would like to officially welcome you back into the family"

"Eureka, I would like to officially welcome you back into the family"

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Damien 😍

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