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It's currently 4:30 pm"I'm home" I yell as I place my keys down

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It's currently 4:30 pm"I'm home" I yell as I place my keys down. I am meet with tiny arms circling my legs and I look down to see my little brother Max hugging my legs and my face immediately lit up.

"Hey buddy" I say as I kneel down to his height and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles and puts his hands around my neck and hugs me.

I love Max so much that I would give up my life if it meant he would be safe. We found out mom was pregnant a couple of years after they took me in. It was the happiest day of all our lives.

I was scared if I'm being honest.

I thought now that they were having another child they wouldn't need me anymore but Olivia calmed me down and said I would forever be apart of the O'Brien family even if they had many more children.

It made me so happy and for the first time in a really long time I felt like I belonged and I felt loved. That day I made a promise to myself to always protect him no matter what or no matter how.

I promised my family that as long as I was alive I would protect them from anything and if I have to walk through hellfire just so they can live to see another day I would do it without a single thought, and I will live up to that promise until I take my last breathe.

"Hi sissy, you're late. I was worried about you" he says raising his head from my shoulders and looking at me.

I mostly come home early because i quit tennis to focus more on dancing. Its just...today seems different. I don't know but....I keep having this feeling that something is gonna happen but I can't seems to figure out what.

And my gut feelings are never wrong.

"Aww I'm sorry I worried you. I promise it will never happen again" I say kissing his cheek in again.

"Pinky promise?" he asks kissing his thumb and holding it out.

"Pinky promise" I reply and kiss mine and join it to his making him smile so hard. "Come on let's go" I say and pick him up and walk to the kitchen.

"Hey mom, hey dad" I greet while kissing each one on the cheek and setting Max down. I started calling them mom and dad on my 14th birthday after I took a bullet for Henry.

I was in surgery for 15 hours and when I woke up I automatically called her mom and hugged her and told her how scared I was to never see them again. She was so happy when I finally called her mom and she started crying and dad was overjoyed, he just couldn't stop smiling.

Henry and I used to have the worst relationship. When I first came he thought I was going to take is parents from him and he didn't like me. He and his friends bullied me in school but I didn't complain because I was basically living off his family.

We went out one evening to celebrate my birthday and Olivia being pregnant and we were attacked. News had traveled fast about her being pregnant and because she was from the French mafia, basically the princess, their enemies wanted to kill her and her child and possibly her family as well.

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