You give me Insomnia.

487 18 15

- Dream, while staring with great love and admiration.

Ship; Insomnia.
Error x Dream.

Written with an unreliable narrator.

Also, I wasn't originally going to have FGoD in this, but it just happened so I let it be.

I haven't edited this one shot a whole lot. Which also means I have left in some of the things I write to keep myself entertained. All of which is a joke, for myself by myself. I hope you enjoy the slight insight in what happens when I write hahaha. I wrote them within [brackets]. And in italics.

Another thing to note, if it wasn't obvious, I don't do drafts for one shots. I just write it and edit it a little before publishing it.

3k+ ish words.


Dream had a secret. A secret that would likely get him a trip to the mental hospital if it got out.

It's also why he hasn't told his friends about it, the terrifying thought of losing his best friends too great.

What could be so bad about his secret? Well, we could start with the typical "I have a crush on our enemy" line. Now add onto that the fact that said enemy is the destroyer of worlds. You starting to get the point now, yeah? Dream didn't know when he had started falling for him. He just knew when he realized it. It was back when he was spying on the destroyer as he was sitting by a hidden cliff in Outertale, he had seen him start to smile softly at the stars and he couldn't help but stare in admiration at the newfound beauty that was his smile. His face looked considerably soft at that moment, his eyes had drooped down with his brow bones going lax. A genuine, small and adorably soft smile lit up his face as though the stars themselves had sculpted it out of the finest obsidian. Dream knew then that he was definitely falling for this skeleton.

Dream didn't dare think too much about it. Didn't dare think back to all the times he had seen the other, how many times he had stared a bit longer than what could be considered normal and in a way that no one would ever stare at an enemy. It didn't stop him from thinking about him though. When the sun had given the reigns over to the moon, when the darkness laid like a blanket over the surface, that was when he let go of the tight grip he had around his thoughts. And so his thoughts ran free, taking him to a place where the fear was forgotten, the fear of not knowing when he would next have to fight the skeleton that he was slowly starting to fall in love with.

He had started losing sleep. The constant naps during the day was an obvious sign that his friends had picked up on. Once they had noticed that, they also noticed the dazed looks, which gave away that he had fallen for someone. His friends would often nag him about it, though it only caused him to be forced to come to terms to his own feelings. Unfortunately for his friends, he wouldn't tell them just who the 'lucky person' was.

It wasn't a big problem. It wasn't. But then he started thinking about him during the day, during meetings. Every fight was a fight to not stop and stare, to admire. To not make it obvious. And then it did become a problem when he got hit by friendly fire, consequently making him fall into the portal that Error had just made, together with said skeleton.

--POV shift--

Dream was a good actor, almost as good as he was a beacon of positivity. Error could admit that much, but he couldn't say that he was fooled by it. To him, it was obvious. As obvious as his AU becoming one with the anti-void.

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