Encased in Glass.

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The twinkling, sparkling, shining of the stars. The universe. The galaxy. The void of empty space. The vast expanse filled with extraordinarily dangerous yet beautiful chemicals. Nebulas and white stars and blue dwarfs.

"If you stare too much and for too long, the void will stare back." Error has stared too much already, tonight it would be for too long. Perhaps the Void will stare back at him, but then, when had anyone so much as glanced his way without hate in their eyes? Or fear. Or an awe that hid the terror they truly felt. He doesn't remember the last time he received a gaze without any of those feelings. It was far too long ago, apparently.

Black spots danced in his peripheral vision, his magic too exhausted to keep his vision up. He would most likely lose his vision in the next 15 minutes.

He hoped his consciousness would follow.

As the 15 minutes came and passed, he started noticing the ringing in his ears. That would be the next sense he would be losing then.

The wildlife around him seemed to quieten when his breaths shortened and came out in quick short bursts. He didn't know why he breathed. Didn't know why he needed the air, or why he seemed to work exactly like any other flesh monster when it came to breathing in magic through the air. He assumed his previous life, previous AU had something to do with it. He never questioned it more than the surface level of questions.

His phalanges brushed against the grass underneath him, feeling the dampness that still stuck after the rain earlier in the day.

He couldn't move more than his hands and feet. Though he stopped trying to move his feet when the pain started getting irritating. He could maybe make a small portal close to his hands, but that would use up all of his remaining magic. Something he wishes to avoid for as long as possible.

At least until he has healed enough to make it into the anti-void without signing his own death warrant.

The ringing got continuously louder until it was the only thing he could hear. No song of the wind, no curious animal to come up and sniff him, no rustling of leaves. Just a long, continuous ring.

It would have annoyed him to death had he not already been used to it. It would have annoyed him to death had he not already been dying, had he not been too exhausted to care.

He felt the moment the thing keeping him alive thus far snapped and drifted away. He felt as it gave off wave after wave of amusement.

He felt his magic trickling out through the hole that the thing left in him.

And Error gave up. Gave up the little fight he had been putting on. Gave up the role he served in the universe.

Then he welcomed the Void, welcomed the new life that it was sure to give him and welcomed the sense of freedom Death gave him.

His body didn't dust. It already had dusted, multiple times over. The reforming of his bones and soul made it so compact that it acted as an item. It couldn't be dusted. Even as the last bit of his magic slipped out of his once body, it stayed strong.

Perhaps this is why the others believed him to not be dead. Believed him to be sleeping. Even as they sensed that the body no longer housed magic.

It was perhaps disrespectful to the dead, but encasing the body in glass, putting it on display for all to see and putting a sign in front of it that explained who he was.. that was what the council decided on doing.

It looked surreal. The many, many scars on his body. The dried blood that, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't wash off. The dried tear tracks that stayed after the body stopped healing itself.

It looked horrifying.

But oh, did Error love seeing his old body from the view point of his new one.

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