Misunderstandings and a Traumatized Skeleton.

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psst- this is very short. i'm sorry-

"You are NEVER letting that go, are you?" He was tired, oh so very tired. Every turn to solve the problems thrown onto his lap when he was still new to all of this only made things worse. His bones cracked under pressure that should have never been there in the first place. The others tried to have him open up to them—all it ever did was cement the belief further, he needs to do this alone. 

"The Sisters could have solved this for you long ago and yet, here you are? Turning down person after person for left over grudges from a time that doesn't even exist anymore!" The yelling couldn't cut through the blood and thoughts rushing through his head. There was too many things at once. He had been a second away from giving up the fight before they showed up. Its pathetic. He was pathetic. 

The angry voices and intense stares were nothing against the flashbacks he was suffering through, it brought him back to the time where he was still willing to reach out to something untouchable. A time where stars could do anything and everything. Back when no one listened to what needed to be heard. The flashes of dust from skeletons long gone, smiling faces telling him to grab a hold of life. Some of the angry yelling matched with voices of the past, twisting his fragile mind to seeing old friends screaming at him to let them in. To let in the same people that were trying to dust him barely a week before. 

He doesn't forget. The voices make sure he never does. To open up to someone requires trust, trust is earned and he has never trusted easily. To assume he would ever open up to someone that had tried to kill him for years upon years a few days ago—he could never understand the optimism. The most trust anyone has ever had from him is as a battle buddy, that they won't stab him in the back during the fight. Even then some broke that trust. He doesn't understand why they would break it, but then sometimes he thinks he does.


Decided to leave this as is. Make of it as you will. :PI will be taking a break from writing one shots for a bit as I work on a behemoth of a story. The plot is taking its own course and I need to figure out where its taking me before I start writing other things.

I'm also rewriting a story I might have dropped some months ago.. 👀

A Villain Once More is still on hiatus unfortunately. I will be sure to pick that up again once I have more time on my hands. I hope you enjoyed the short one shot~ I will see you another time.

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