The Plan. Pt.5

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(face reveal)
Here I was waiting for Petrato talk to Levi and sort out what happened. Usually I never ask for help, especially on a topic like this but I want to get closer to Levi, so I feel what I did is necessary.

Levi walks in the room with his thick ass and scrumptious thighs.
"Heyyy 😍😍" peyratar said

I started barking at her and Levi.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Levi asked.

"wooof woof 🥺🥺🥺" i said in a cute petite voice

"I brought captain levi to speak with you" petra said

"no" levi said blunty terrified of the scary little petite baka

"B-b-b-but captain!" i shout

i slightly grab Levis arem. My big bright blue orbs shine leaving a shutter down levis spine. 🥺🥺🥺

"We are meant to be lovers! 😍" i yelled

peytautu was still there in the corner, she looked angry...Levi slid his finger through my silky fresh scalp.

Levi whispered "Not now kitten"

"Petra! 🥺" i yelled

"I seriously don't care, it's whatever."

"but you looked upset, do you like levi?😨"

"Well i-"

Haha cliffhanger bozo
big part coming soon lol

It's big for a reason (Megamind x Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now