Chapter 9

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Hey everyone.
Welcome to 2022.
I hope you are all having a great start to the new year.
I'm sorry for the long wait everyone.
I had exams so I couldn't update.
But now that my exams are over hopefully I can update more often.
Well, that's enough from me, here is the chapter that most of you had been waiting for, I'm sorry it took so long. 
Hope you all can forgive me.
I hope you enjoy this chapter!
When everyone was out of the mansion and over the wall, they went to meet their C3 friends.

Upon seeing Mikuni, Tsurugi threw himself into Mikuni's open waiting arms. Mikuni wrapped his arms around his lover and smiled gently. Yumikage was about to scold Tsurugi but was stopped by Junichiro.

Right now wasn't the time. 

Misono had noticed that his brother had vanished from his side. He stopped his conversation with Mahiru to look around. Then he heard Mikuni's voice and spun around to see Mikuni and Tsurugi hugging and kissing. "Mikuni! Hey! Bastard let's get going💢!"

Mahiru sighed. 'Some things will never change!' He thought chuckling. "Misono!" He said chuckling again as he gently punched Misono's shoulder playfully.

Yumikage and Junichiro were happy that their friends were free and could go begin their mission in peace. But they were both sad. "I wish we could come with you guys!" Yumikage said sadly.

Licht looked confused. "Why?"

 "We were a part of it back then. We went on missions with you guys all the time." Junichiro explained.

'Even though we have been enemies since they joined C3, they are still as kind and caring as they had always been.' Iduna thought as memories flowed through her find. Then she smiled. "We need someone home. Who is on our side that we trust to keep an eye on things here." 

Niccolo nodded. "Iduna is right. And you guys are the ones we trust the most to stay behind."

Alex suddenly raised her hand. "Ahh... Guys?"

Ryusei looked at her. "What is it, Alex?"

Alex pointed at the sky where the sky was turning orange, pink, and yellow indicating the sun was waking up to welcome the day and chase away the night. "Sunrise people, sunrise!"

Lucky looked up and sighed. "The idiots will be waking up soon."

"We should be going. We don't want them to wake up when we are still here and C3 will only be able to hold them back for so long." Sakuya said.

Misono nodded. "They are right." Then he looks around expecting to see Mikuni standing behind him or with the group, but when he turned around, Mikuni was doing neither. He saw that his brother hadn't moved from where he had been standing hugging Tsurugi before. "Oi, bastard, stop kissing and hurry up or we'll leave you two behind💢!"

Mikuni looked over and broke the kiss as he pulled away from Tsurugi. "Alright, we are coming. Tsurugi we have to go." He replied. When he turns to go he sees that Tsurugi is crying. "Tsurugi, honey, what's the matter?"

"I feel so useless." Tsurugi said while more tears spilled down his cheeks.

Mikuni's eyes widened with surprise. "Why? Your not useless, sweetheart!"

Tsurugi sighed. "I am. All I can do is stay here!"

Mikuni chuckled. "Who said you were staying here?" He asked.

Tsurugi looked confused. "Huh?"

Mahiru, Misono, Sakuya and Licht who had all been ears dropping, burst out laughing.

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now