Chapter 43

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Niccolo ran down the tunnel. He hadn't meant to snap at Mikuni, as the blonde had done so much for him, after all they had shared the same room when they were in the SSWEA. He had been the last out of the group to join the SSWEA. Mahiru had been the first, reasons unknown even to the present day. He never really talked about it and everyone else didn't pray.

Next to join was Misono and Mikuni. No one dared to speak of their past, even though they all knew about the Alicein Mansion fire. It had been a big event on the news as well as the theories that were going around. Tsurugi who knew the siblings had told them what actually happened. And out of pity they decided not to ask.

Yumikage and Tsurugi joined a month after the siblings, had known the Aliceins since childhood, they decided to join them in and agency. Junichiro joined not long after although he went straight to the medical and healing department, as his ability is a healing ability. Shuhei joined alongside Junichiro and while his brunette friend went to the medical and healing department, the red head had been put in charge of the central control room. The two weren't seen very much except on missions. After a few years when C3 got involved, the four vanished. They received news that they had joined C3.

Iduna and Licht joined after Tsurugi and Mikuni had saved them. Their past is a mystery to everyone. However as they are childhood friends they trust each other, especially in times of need. They have a bond that Sakuya and Tetsu have.  Sakuya and Tetsu joined up not long after Iduna and Licht. Their past is also a mystery. They came from an orphanage that got burnt down. That is all they knew.

Niccolo was the last, to arrive. As for Ryusei, Kouki, Lucky and Alex they arrived the same time as Mahiru. Unfortunately they were always doing jobs for other SSWEA bases. So they also aren't seen very often.

Niccolo hadn't known anyone when he came in, that's why he had been alone. He has been homeschooled since he could walk. Nine years old and he had no one to call his friend. Instead he filled the emptiness in his heart with martial arts and knowledge. His father had been the boss of the largest Mafia gang in the city. So he was always at home. His first friend was Mahiru.

Niccolo wasn't even his real name. He didn't even remember what his true name was. His name was given to him by Mahiru. Mahiru had given himself his name as well as everyone else's. His mother had died during childbirth and his dad never talked about her. Niccolo had watched his father die during a gang war. The enemy gang had broken in one night and murdered his father right before his eyes as he was hiding under the bed.

He had used his martial arts skills to get out the window. He had ran and ran. Until he bumped into Mahiru. He had smiled down at him, not with pity in his eyes, with kindness. He had held out a hand which he took when he offered a place to stay. He had stayed at the SSWEA for a week before he had joined the agency.

He had always wondered why Mahiru had given him his name. Yes, it's Italian, as he was born and raised in Italy, and it's where he met Mahiru, but he got curious about his name and decided to Google it. Niccolo means: Victory of the people; People's champion. He wasn't a champion, just a kid who had just lost everything he loved. Perhaps Mahiru had seen something inside him that he couldn't even see himself? He would never know.

He did ask Mahiru once, why he gave him that name. And all he said was, "Names give us identity. Its who we are. Each name is unique to the person it's given to. Like Sakuya, means gentle and elegant, Tetsu's name means iron. Mikuni means, Kingdom of god. Licht is German for light. Iduna means loving one in Norse. Misono means fruit of plants and trees. My name means broad daylight or Midday. Each name is unique. A name represents identity, a deep feeling and holds tremendous significance to its owner."

Why Mahiru choose that name for him, he didn't know, but one thing he hoped, he lives up to his name. The others certainly had lived up to their names. Licht believed he was an angel of light just like his name. He walked the party of light. Misono, Niccolo had asked about Misono's name once.

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