Chapter 22

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Sorry for the wait. This chapter took longer than expected to do. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
All the Servamps stared at Lawless. Lawless's suggestion flowed though their minds.

"That's a..." World End began but was interrupted by the youngest Servamp.

"Great idea! I take back what I said. I agree with big bro's idea!" Who's Coming exclaimed.

"Thanks little brother!" Lawless looked at Melancholy.

"Um. I don't think we're supposed to be encouraging him!" All of Love said, not liking where this was going.

"Told you he has the worst ideas!" World End said.

"Not going to happen. And also whose side are you on Melancholy? You can't just switch sides like that in the middle of an argument!" The Mother glared at the Servamp, who just poked his tongue. Which resulted in the female Servamps glare to become more deadlier and she looked like she was about to strangle him. But still the black haired Servamp poked his tongue at her again.

"Lawless your idea is out of the question." Old Child said.

"I don't understand. We have killed many people in the past. Sleepy Ash killed our creator. How is this different from killing some C3 members! They have killed our subclasses with no reason, why should we show them any mercy! Or have you all forgotten what they have done? Especially when they know something about our Eves and they are even stopping us from going to find them!" Lawless shouted, jumping to his feet and slamming his hands down hard on the table as tears flowed down his cheeks.

Who's Coming was surprised. He had never seen his brother like this before. Granted he was never at that meeting back then, so he hadn't witnessed Lawless's breakdown back then.

The Mother simply watched her little brother with concern. She and World End were probably the closest to Lawless then the others had been since that meeting, but she understood where he was coming from, but she couldn't agree with him. She knew the the C3 agents were Iduna's friends, so she couldn't even think about killing them.

All of Love also watched Lawless with worry and concern. He didn't like to see any of his siblings like this, but Lawless, although he wouldn't admit it, is the most emotional out of all of them, and he hadn't been himself since Licht vanished. But he knew why. Love is a delicate thing. It could be wonderful and beautiful, especially when you find that one person. But it also could be sad and hurtful especially when that person doesn't have the same feelings. He knew this better than anyone and he had known immediately. When it comes to feelings like love, his siblings weren't exactly the pros at hiding it, especially Lawless. 'Love makes us do stupid things sometimes. Love changes us.'

Sleepy Ash would never admit it but he was always worried about Lawless. He was the most emotional, but because he had changed after losing Ophelia. He had become more distant from everyone except for World End and The Mother. He had always thought that because Lawless had been the most affected by what he had done that it was best to stay away. He regretted that. He wished he could have been around more to help him. But right now with their 'Eves' missing now wasn't the time for a mental breakdown.

"Lawless, think about this! If we kill them we are no better than them!" World End shouted standing up so fast that his chair fell. "Yes they killed our subclasses and yes that gives us a reason to kill them, but that doesn't mean we have to! We are all different than we were in the past."

"Also killing them would start another war. And we just finished one. We don't want to start another one." Doubt Doubt said.

"Nii-san, are you just gonna sit there and not say anything like last time? Or do you not want to see Mahiru again..." Before Lawless could say anymore, Sleepy Ash had gotten to his feet and slapped him.

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now