Chapter 17

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Niccolo and Iduna watched as their two friends were pushed into the cell across from them.

"Licht?" Iduna asked hoping not to be right.

The said person stopped yelling at the agents and looked over. "Iduna?"

"Lucky?" Niccolo exclaimed.

"Niccolo? Is that you?"

"Who else would it be?" Niccolo smiled.

Licht smiled. "We are glad to see you. What are you doing here?"

"A job for C3. How about you?" Iduna asked.

Licht looked down. "Lawless nearly found me so I had to switch my performance show to here in England. But then I was caught by these people for no reason." He finished looking up, ignoring Hope who had mumbled "these people?" under her breath.

"Nice. I came to meet Iduna when C3 told me I could find her here and we figured that we were in the vicinity so, we decided to pop by and say hello. But then we discovered that we aren't as welcoming as we were before. We were immediately attacked without warning or warrant, and when we come to we were in here." Niccolo explained. "How about you Lucky?"

"I was in town when Licht called me and we met up for a drink."

"And who do we have here? Backstabber and the lying bitch." Licht said looking very calm.

'Licht, one day your name calling will get you killed.' Iduna thought.'

"It's Captain Hope to you, Wannabe Angel." Hope shouted.

'Oh no she didn't just call him that.' Lucky thought wishing he wasn't in the same cell as Licht.

'Do they have a death wish or something?' Niccolo sweatdropped.

"I already told you! We are not a part of the SSWEA anymore. Rules don't apply to us." Iduna said already annoyed that they had to keep repeating themselves, not giving Licht a chance to say anything and make the situation worse.

"We've been good and answered all your questions. So can we go?" Lucky asked.

"No. Besides wanna explain where Gear is? And why we can't find him?" Pandora asked.

"None of us have seen him." Iduna yelled.

"Maybe he popped out to get something."

"Yeah, what Niccolo said. Even a werewolf needs to get out and about." Licht said.

"You're lying. But we'll get the truth later. So where are your friends?" Hope demanded.


"Back home where they should be!"

"What they said."

"I don't have to repeat it do I?"

"You're lying. But if you want to do this the hard way then fine by us! Let's go Pandora. We have a room to prepare!" Hope snapped before walking away dragging Pandora with her.

"We are so glad to see you!" Licht exclaimed.

Iduna stared at them. "What the hell happened?"

Licht and Lucky glanced at each other silently asking who wants to answer. Licht sighed. "Fine. Remind me to never again have a staring contest with you, Lucky."

"Okay. I'll remind you." Lucky said smirking. When it came to Lucky no one could win a staring contest with him, well everyone except for his servamp.

"Eveything was going according to plan until we jumped over an alleyway that they just happened to be hiding in. When they saw us they attacked us and because there was too many of them to fight and we tried to outrun them but we ended up getting captured." Licht explained.

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now