Chapter 6

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Vvvvvvmmmmmm. A drill went off in the distance. It woke me up. It got closer. Pablo woke up. It got closer.

Pang! It hit the other side of the metal wall. Psss. A laser melted the wall of our cells.

"We're safe!" Pablo yelled.

A woman stepped out. "You boys ready to leave?" She was thin and a little shorter than Pablo. She wore a black mask and a custom-fit black jumpsuit. She winked at Pablo. He didn't notice. "Call me "The Elite One"

She turned around and disappeared up the tunnel she made. Pablo and I followed closely behind. Up we went. I seemed endless.

"Where does this let out?" I asked.

"A mile south from the main entrance." She informed.

"We need to go back! They have Claire!" I exclaimed.

"No can do, Mate." The Elite One said. "I tried hacking into their system. They thought you were the one trying to hack it, and closed the building. No one goes in and no one goes out until you turn yourself in."

"But..." Pablo cut me off.

He said, "Well save her later."

"Okay..." I kept moving.

After some time, we saw the end of the tunnel. The Elite One led us to a black Jeep.

"Thomas, drive." She commanded. How did she know my name?

"Pablo, sit with me in the back."

Something is not right. Why would she want to sit in the back with Pablo?

We all got in the car. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Drive. You'll find out eventually." She instructed.

"Not until I know who I'm driving."

Pablo told The Elite One "Babe, tell him. He already knows."

She took off her mask. Her long straight hair flowed down.

"I am Miranda," She began "I'm Pablo's fiancée. Pablo called me up last night while you were sleeping. He asked me to rescue you both. Unfortunately, I had to break into your apartment to get some of the parts to build the laser gun, but I owned the main mechanism...sorry." She made a puppy face.

I was took a while to process it all.

"You broke into my apartment!?!" I was shocked.

"I had to. If not you would still be trapped." She explained

I took a deep breath.

"Okay..." I calmed down. "Where to?"

"Hand me your phone." She commanded. I did. She plugged in an address into my GPS APP and told me to follow it.

"It's so good to see you. "Pablo said to Miranda. His eyes were glowing. "Next week would have made a complete year of not seeing you."

"Miranda, how did you know where we were? There were like no landmarks." I asked.

"Simple," She said joyfully, "I put a tracker in Pablo's phone before he left."

"You what?!" Pablo was shocked. Than the weirdest thing happened. We all burst into laughter.

The rest of the drive was in silence with an occasional "Go left" or "Go right" from the GPS. Pablo and Miranda were being lovers in the back seat. It only made me miss Claire more.

We drove like this for twenty minutes.

"Your destination is on your right." My phone informed me.

I looked to the right. A worn down building appeared with a sign that read: THE JUNK SHOP

I looked back. Pablo and Miranda hadn't noticed we arrived. I hooked the horn. "Love birds, we're here!"

They pushed away from each other. Pablo took a napkin out of the door's storage box and whipped the saliva off of his face. "Let's go." he said.

I parked the car, and we all got out. THE JUNK SHOP was a worn down wooden shack with tools littered on the floor.

Miranda put on her mask and led us inside. A bell attached to a string rung as the door hit it.

"Hello?" Miranda yelled, "Anybody home?"

"Go Away!" a voice commanded. This voice was that of an old man.

"We would like to see your gear." Miranda yelled back.

"What kind?" He asked curiously.

"The kind that gets the job done" Miranda yelled.

"Password accepted. Come to the back." The man instructed.

We pushed our way through the junk. When we reached the back wall, a piece of it slid to the side, permitting us to pass through it.

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