Chapter 13

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"We should get going, they need us." I said to Jacob and Daisy, showing them the texts.

We opted to run.

After about fifteen minutes, the IGSO Tower came into view.

Jacob slowed down."Guys, we need to decide. Are we going to save Claire and Tiffany or Martha?" I didn't think about that.

"I'm going for Claire and Tiffany." I said.

"I'll go for Martha." Jacob said.

"I'll go for Martha too." Daisy said.

We kept on. Daisy, who was running ahead of us, stopped. Jacob and I caught up to her.

"They were here." She said "Only our bombs create diamond-shaped explosions."

"But that diamond leads to a cave." Jacob said. "It's a free fall into a pit of water. God only knows how deep it is. They won't be that gullible to fall in there."

"Miranda, no, but Pablo... He likes risks." I said. "He learned from me." I jumped in.

Down I went. It was cold. I loved the wind in my face. Splash! I went head first into the water. I swam to the surface. I heard a female scream.

"Hide." Pablo's voice whispered from a nearby tunnel

"It's me, Thomas. Where are you?" I yelled.

I swam to shore.

Pablo's head peeked out from behind a rock. When he saw it was me, he motioned for Miranda to stay. Then he came over to me. He helped me up.

"What happened to your shirt?" I asked.

"Miranda is wearing it. Long story short, her shirt shrinks too much when wet, she couldn't breathe, so I gave her mine."

I walked with him to where Miranda was. She was upset. She marched up to me and slapped me. "What was that for?" I asked.

"You scared me. I thought you were an IGSO guy." She said. Miranda slapped me again on the cheek.

"You left the base." I said.

"The base got blown up." I said. "Agent L did it. Didn't you get my texts?"

"My phone broke with the water." Pablo said.

"Oh, so you guys don't know what happened to Uncle Jack and Steve?" I asked.

"You don't mean..." Miranda pleaded her voice got softer with every word.

"They died in the explosion." I said.

Miranda burst into tears. Pablo wrapped his arms around her.

"Are Daisy and Jacob okay?" Pablo asked.

"They went to save Martha." I said.

"Okay. We need to get going." Miranda said. She stormed off in front of us. Pablo and I followed.

As we walked I sent a text to Martha: With 0 and 1, 5 and 6 are going to u now.

We kept walking.

Miranda stopped. "They should be right below us." Miranda informed. Pablo and I looked down. I knelt down and put my ear to the floor.

"I'm hungry." Claire's voice said to someone. I assumed she was talking to Tiffany. My heart pumped. We were so close to saving them. They were less than a yard away.

Bbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Robotic flies swarmed the tunnel. I couldn't see. A few pricked me. They injected a liquid into my blood. My arm went limp. Pablo and Miranda were suffering the same pains. I tried to shoo them off. My other arm went limp. More flies came. My legs went limp. Bang. I fell. Bang. Pablo fell too. Bang. So did Miranda. My vision faded away. Everything was one big blur.

A voice echoed down the cave. "Did you really think it would be that easy?"

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