Ch 15

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Lucy Pov:

After I told Master of the dragon law he knew he had to let me and Lisanna fight even though that ment she would end up dead. "Alright let the fight comense." He grinned at the thought of seeing me in action."WHAT!" Lisanna began to panick. "I don't wanna die." She began to sob, I could care less right then all I wanted to do was anilate the one who was a threat to me and my mate. So I had to end her life. We march outside so that I wouldn't destroy the guild. "As Dragon law states we will fight for the right to be Natsu's mate who ever loses die and winer takes all." I told all around me. "Sorry marijane,  and elfman, but she challenged me and tried to hurt and steal my mate so I have to fight and kill her if I want to mate with Natsu." "That's okay Lucy we understand." They both smiled and said their goodbyes to their sister. "I'm gonna Kill you slowly." I growled as I put a barrier up the it was the smae one I used with Zaref  one could only leave when the other was dead. "Let the Battle begin!" Called Marcov. "Animal soul take over :Tigress." Lisanna yelled. Oh so she's getting serious huh? "Open the gate of the bull: Tarus." My trusted spirit came out of his gate and ran full speed twards the tigeress. As expected Tarus lost his battle so I prepared to fight using my other magic. "Remeber what I told you about Percy the Poison dragon training me?" I smirked as Lisanna became rigid. I saw her goulp before noding her head. "Well then let me begin. Poisin dragons poisin of worse night mare!" I shot her with the poisin and watched as she lived through her worst night mares. "Poison release." I released my spell, I was still in  dragon force and my dragon was screaming at me to finish her off right then and there I desided to listen to it for once and got ready to blast her. "Fire/Water/Earth/Forest/air/steal/dark/light dragons roar!" I shot all of the elements at her and watched as she was turned to ash and dust. I smirked in victory before letting door the barrior. "Way to go!" Sting and Natsu cheered. "Rugue back home btw," I smiled at Sting before greabbing Natsu. "I'd stick around but I need to have this one mark me." I teleported us to my home and locked the door and window, and for safe measure closed my blinds. 

-----------I don't feel like writing a sex scene so i'll time skip to morning----------

(still Lucy Pov)

I woke up to find Natsu's mark on my neck, my hips quiet sore, and a sleeping Natsu next o me. After a few moments I remebered what happened last night and smiled at my mate Natsu, before cuddling back up to him. Then falling back asleep.

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