Chapter 14: Jewls and Jasmine

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"Mom I'm going to Jewls house, I should be back later on tonight" I say walking out the door. Jewls and I haven't talked in a while, honestly I feel horrible because I have kind of been blowing her off for Ronnie, but Jewls isn't the jealous type so she probably just wants to catch up.

I get to Jewls house and her mom told me to go staright up her room. "Hey sha-" I said walking in but stop because I saw she was talking with Jasmine, Jasmine is Ronnie ex's,"Um hey Jewls" I said trying not to be awakard "Hey" she said back to me "Why did you tell me to come over if you already had someone here" I said confused "Hey Felicia" Jasmine said looking at me sideways "yo, Um J, I'll just text you later" I said walking out the door "Felicia, why are you leaving?" Jewls said walking out behind me "Maybe because you got that bitch in there knowing she don't like me, and you up there hehe haha with her" I said pissed off that she really did this "Oh my God are you fucking kidding me, you have left me in the wind for god knows how long and you're mad because I'm hanging out with Jas" she said yelling at me tears screaming down her face "JEWLS! I was coming over to apologize to you because I've been gone for so long, you are my best friend and I'm sorry I have abandon you, but you go to hang with that SLUT!" I said crying "call me when you get your head on straight" I said walking out.

I drive over to Ronnie's still crying. When I get there I walk in and just go to his room "Baby what's wrong" he said when I walked in "Jewls.." that's all I said and he just held me in his arms "I'm here" I cried into his shoulders then got up dried my face and went to go talk to him. "She is with Jasmine" I said walking back to his room " ex Jasmine?" He said confused "Yes your fucking ex, like why would she be hanging out with that BITCH!" I said becoming enraged "Baby calm down, she probably just did that to get back at you for blowing her off" "Are you seriously taking her side, might as well go back to Jasmine to!" I yelled walking out "Felicia!" he said after me grabbing "GET OFF OF ME!" I snatched my arm away "I'm not about to fight with you, I realize your upset about Jewls and your just letting your anger out of me, just let me be there for you, do you wanna go somewhere?,hungry?,thirsty?" he said walking up to me and hugging me and gave me a forehead kiss "I'm sorry Ron-" he cut me off by giving me a kiss.

"Can I have a X-large meat lovers pizza, with some hot wings and a large Pepsi" Ronnie said to the girl at the counters "anything else" she said with a smile "nope, thank you" he said about to walk away "um excuse, do you have a girlfriend" she asked "No, I have a wife" Ronnie said looking back at me "isn't she gorgeous" he said walking up to me "Who you texting" he said kissing my cheek "my dad,he's going on some "business trip", probably going to fuck someone else" I said looking down "Felicia, he's stupid" he said pulling next to him. We got are pizza and went back to Ronnie's house to go hang with his family.

"Felicia you and Ronnie have been dating for how long now?" his sister Keyana asked "11 months" Ronnie said answering my question "Thanks Felicia" Keyana said sarcastically "are you getting married?" his little sister asked "Yes!" Ronnie said walking in the living room, the thing with Ronnie family is that they never really liked any of his girlfriends, but for some reason they love me, I jump when I feel my phone in my back pocket "Hello" I said getting up to go to the kitchen "Felicia, Come quick Rahsards been in an car accident, you need to hurry we are at Mercy" I fell to the floor in tears and Ronnie ran in "Felicia what's wrong, what happened!?" he said picking me up "RAHSARD GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT!" I screamed he got my keys and carried me to the car. He drove to mercy and I ran out the car to the front desk "My brother was in a accident I need to know what room he's in Rahsard Roger" I said frankly "Felicia right here" I heard Tamera behind me she had a cast on her arm and some on her face, but overall was fine "Where is my brother!?" I said looking all over "Right in that room Felicia it's bad" I ignore her and Walk right into the room. He had a broken leg and arm his neck was fracture and he had a concussion. "OH MY GOD RAHSARD" I said crying harder and ran to his side. He was on meds so he was asleep. The doctor and Deputy walked in "Are you family?" he asked "Yes, what happened to my brother?" I asked getting up and wiping my tears "He was at a stop light and a drunk drive ran into his side of the car" the deputy said "OH MY GOD, will he be okay?" I asked the doctor "He has a broken leg and arm and he has a concussion, but with the meds and therapy for a month after the cast come off he willl be back to normal, he's very lucky" He said and walked out to go talk to Tamera. Ronnie walked in and came to hold my hand "He's strong Felicia, He can handle it" He said hugging me "Look at him Ron, He looks so helpless" I said tears streaming down my face. My mom and dad walked in and I ran to them, my mom was crying and my dad was in shock. I told them about what happen and I told them we would wait here tonight so they could go home. "Ronnie I told my parents I would stay here so you can go home" I said walking into the room "I'm not going anywhere so don't try to get rid of me, i'm going to go home and get us some clothes and food, okay?..I love you " he said and walked over to Tamera to see if she needed anything.


"You slept like that all night" I heard Rashard say "Shard!" I say getting off the chair and going to hug him "damn esh, you trying to break me some more?" he said laughing "You had me so worried, I'm so happy you're okay" I said hugging him "I'm fine baby girl, where is Tamera?" he asked sitting up "she went home to change early this morning, she should be back later on today" I told him walking over to my phone "Shard, my boy" Ronnie, Derek, and Mike said walking in with breakfast "Yo, My Boys" what y'all doing here" he said getting all happy "what you mean, you our boy, we here for you" Derek said. Tamera walked in and Rashard started crying when he saw her "Baby, I'm so happy your okay" she said to him "I'm so sorry" he said and grabbed her into his arm "I love you" she said and kissed him. "we'll be back" we said walking out. "Good morning Baby" Ronnie said walking over to me and giving me a kiss "Morning" I said back with a smile on my face "um excuse me" Mike said "Oh I'm sorry hon Good morning cutie" I said giving him a hug, Mike was like my little big brother and we were always close "How come he gets a hi and I don't" Derek said "Good morning D" I said giving him a hug "I'm going to need y'all boys to get ya hands off my baby for please, for I have to bust some ass in this hospital" Ronnie said grabbing me and laughing "It's okay baby cause you get what they don't" I said winking at him. He grabbed me and kissed me and grabbed my ass in front of the guys "Felicia" Rashard called from the room "excuse me guys i'll be back" I said walking into the room.


"Ronnie, I know this isn't the time,but you need to know that Jasmine is going around saying you slept with her the night you broke up with Felicia" Derek told me "Yeah Ron, she telling everybody that Y'all had sex and that you have been having sex with her behind Felicia back" Mike added 'You need to get this shit figured out before she finds out, she is to good for you to loses her" Derek said Before Felicia walked back out "What y'all talking about?" she said grabbing my hand "Nothing baby" I said kissing her forehead


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