Chapter 12: Tamera

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"Ronnie stop" I yell in laughter because he was tickling me. "Felicia give me a kiss and I'll stop" he said still tickling me "RONALD SMITH QUINCY HACKETT!" I yell trying to from under him. "Ooo Felicia screaming my name as usual" he says laughing "Shut the fuck up Ronnie" I say laughing and finally getting from under his grip and pinning him down. "Yeah bitch bow to me" I say tickling him on his side "Okay Felicia chill out" he says picking me up off the couch. He pushes me up the wall and puts me down he puts his body right up against mine. "Yo what the fuck y'all, get a fucking room" Rashard say walking into the game room. "Baby you ready?" he asks getting from on top of me "Where y'all going?" Rashard asks cutting my answer off. "Lunch, I'll meet y'all at the gym" Ronnie says answering back "Yo don't be late" Rashard says "Bae I'm ready, lets go" I yell walking out the door "Ma, dad I'll be back, Ronnie is taking me to lunch" I say walking into the living room "Okay honey, be safe, love you" they both say "love you to" I say walking out the door "ready baby girl" Ronnie says meeting me at the door and opening it for me.

We get to In-N-Out, I love this place and so does Ronnie, "Baby I have to use the bathroom" I say "Okay babe, I'll get our food" he says letting my hand go. "I walk in and go straight to the mirror and fix my hair and put on some more lip-gloss. when I go to turn around I bumped into a girl "Oh excuse me,I'm so sorry" I say bending down to help her pick up her stuff. "Oh wow thank yo-....Felicia!" she says getting up "Tamera!" I say back to her "OH MY GOD" she says hugging me "I haven't seen you since 9th grade" I say pulling away 'wow you look great!" she says looking at me "You to" I say back to her. We walk out to the main lobby and I see Ronnie still standing in line I walk over to him "Hey baby, this is Tamera, one of my friends from middle school" I say introducing him to her "Tamera this is Ronnie, my boyfriend" I say again. "nice to me you Tamera" Ronnie says shaking her hand "You as well" she says back. "We should all three do lunch tomorrow, I can bring Rashard" I say excited because it's been so long since I've seen her "Uh, yeah that's cool, text me the details, but right now my dad is waiting for me outside" she says before leaving "Wow she seems really cool" Ronnie says while we walk to our table with our food "Yeah" I say kind of questioning myself. I was deep thought when I notice Ronnie staring at me "Like something you see" I say jokingly "Naahhh, just some basic girl" he says back to me smiling "Oh you think your funny?" I say taking a bite of my burger "Your Beautiful" He says back at me while I was stuffing my face with french fries "I love you" I say back to him kissing on his face.

We finish up lunch and go by his house sop he can change for basketball. "Felicia!" his little sister Ariee screaming at me I Pick her up and spin her around while walking into the living room with everyone else "Hey guys, what y'all doing?" I ask sitting down "Nothing just watching a movie" Keyana answers me "How bout I come over this weekend and we all have a movie night" I suggest to them and they agree "Okay it's a date, I'm going to see if Ronnie's ready" I tell them walking upstairs into his room "Baby?" I knock on the door "It's open" he say. I walk in and see Ronnie shirtless "you tease" I say walking behind him and wrapping my arms around him "Don't start, you know I have to go to the gym" He says turning around and kissing me "Ewww" Ariee says walking in the room I turn around and chase her down the steps when I grab her I drag her back into Ronnie's room. I throw her on the bed and we start to tickle her "AAHH!" she screams and we let her go, she runs out the room. "god, I love her!" I say sitting down on the bed and laughing "She loves you, actually they all do" He says walking over to me "i love you more though" he says kissing me "You're going to be late" I say smiling, but not breaking the kiss "Come on let's go" he says getting up and grabbing my hand. "See you guys Saturday" I yell to his family while walking out the door. "What's happening Saturday?" He asks me while closing the door behind him "Movie night with your family" I say  waiting for him to open my door.

We get back to my house and I give Ronnie a kiss and get out. Once I walk in the door my phone rings

"BABY BOY IS CALLING" my phones reads when I look at it "did I forget something" I say check my pockets while answering the phone "Hello" I answer "I forgot to say I love you" he says. My face completely lights up "I love you to" I say "Alright baby girl, I'll talk to you later" he says "Okay, have fun" I say hanging up.

I decided to text Tamera to tell her the details about tomorrow. Once I did that I go to lay down. I must have been extremely tired because I fell right asleep.


I wake up from my phone going off. It was Ronnie calling me

ME: hello *I answer with a sleepy voice*

RONNIE: awe baby did I wake you *Ronnie says completely up*

ME: Yes you actually did

RONNIE: well get up and get dressed i'll be over in 5

With that he hangs up. "I totally forgot about the lunch" I says getting up from my bed and walking to the kitchen to find no one. I walk into my parents room to find no one, I go back upstairs and go to Rashards room to wake him up so we could get dressed. I walk back into my room to find a note on my door "Me and your mother got called into work see you tonight -love Daddy" I put the note down and go to take a shower.Once I get out I hear the door. I put on my panties and bra with a robe and go to open it "Who is it?" I ask "Papi" the other voice says through the door. I laugh and  open the door "Damn ma" Ronnie says while closing the door and following me to my room so I can finish getting dressed.

"Oh my God,baby hurry up" Ronnie yells laying on my bed "Okay okay I'm coming" I say walking out my bathroom over to my full body mirror to fix my hair "Baby you look perfect" Ronnie says walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Aw thanks you papi, but we are late" I say turning around "Alright ma, lets go" he says smacking my ass. "Y'all ready" Rashard yells from downstairs as we walk down the steps. " Yeah lets go" Ronnie says opening the door.

Once we all  get to five guys Rashard and Ronnie go to order while I went to go find Tamera."Felicia! over here" Tamera says waking her arm in the air "Hey T" I say hugging her "Hey, were are the guys" she asks "ordering our food" I say back to her while sitting down "Hey Tamera" Rashard says walking over to us and hugging her ,He use to have the biggest crush on her,  "Hey shard" she says hugging him back "Hey Ronnie" she says pulling away from Rashard and walking towards Ronnie "Hey T" he says giving her a half hug, Cause he know better. We all sit down after getting our food "Y'all get any sauce?" I ask them getting up making Rashard come with me.


"Y'all get any sauce" Felicia ask, then drags Rahsard to go get it with her. "How long have y'all been dating" Tamera asks me "9 Months" I say taking a sip of my soda "She's a lucky girl"She says putting her hand my mine "No, I'm the lucky one" I say looking over at Felicia "You know Felicia never mentioned how sexy you were" Tamera says putting her hand on my thigh. "What the fuck Tamera!" I say jumping back "Damn baby, you kay?" Felicia asks me walking back to the table "Um yeah bae, I'm going to use the bathroom real quick" I say excuse myself from the table "Okay baby" Felicia says.

Once I get to the bathroom I splash some water on my face "what the hell?' "should I tell Felicia" all these thoughts run throw my mind "get it together Ronnie" I say to myself in the mirror. I'll tell Felicia when we get back to her house.I walk back to our table "Baby guess what?" Felicia asks me all excited "What baby girl" I question "Tamera is coming to spend the night with me and you can stay with Rashard and then Tomorrow we can go to the movie night with your family" Felicia says to me, my face changes and Felicia notices so she takes me outside to talk to me. "Ronnie is something wrong?" she asks me a little upset "No baby, everything perfect" I say lien to her I kiss her cheek and we walk back inside and I see Rashard and Tamera talking, seems like they were hitting it off, "Thank god" I say under my breath.


Ronnie was acting really strange since we gotten here. I really want them to get along. We finish lunch and Tamera said she would be back over later because she had to go see her grandparents today. Once we get home me and Ronnie go to my room to watch "Real World: Skeletons". "Hey were you okay you seemed a little jumpy around T" I ask him playing with his hair "Um, yeah" he says low "Why did y'all stop being friends in the first place?" he asks "She moved away and just talking to me, I don't really know why" I say still playing in his hair "I love when you play in my hair" he says rolling his head back "You stupid" I say laughing.

A/N: So sorry for being gone for so long but I'm back and I will posting the next chapter in a few days. Don't forget to Vote!

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