Chapter6: What now?

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"Excuse me? Can I have a word?" My dad says as I was just about to leave.
I roll my eyes and turn around, facing him. "What?" I ask. "It's Wednesday. You know what today is..." He says. I look down, "Well I guess you're just going to have to do "family day" without me because I made plans." I say. He looks at me like I've completely lost my mind. "So what is this all about? Who have you been running around the town with these last few weeks that your family doesn't matter to you anymore?" He says with slight anger in his voice.
I laugh, "Let's not even get started on that subject dad, from what I couldn't give two fucks about this family!" I say before opening the front door and slamming it behind me.
Ronnie stood in front of his car, noticing how heated I was.
"Yo, what's wrong with you?" He asks grabbing my hand that was wanting to bash a window so bad.
"Get off me Ronnie." I say, not in the mood for someone to try and control my actions.
He does what I tell him and frees my arm. He leans on the car and I take that time to calm down.
"You ready?" He ask after I take a couple deep breaths.
"Yeah." I say back, looking behind me to see my dad looking dead at me and Ronnie.
"Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

I got in the car and buckled my seat belt, "Where are we going?" I ask.
He turns and looks at me, "I was going to take you out to this little spot but I see your stressed out..." He says, laying a hand on my thigh.
i breathe out and roll my eyes, I was so stupid to walk out right in the middle of an argument and bring it to Ronnie's plate.
"What's bothering you?" He asks. "Can we just get out of my parking lot before my dad comes outside."
He nods, turning the key and driving out of the gated neighborhood.
We pull up to a park,
"You looking real cute today and you're probably wondering "why the hell is this nigga pulling up to a park" but this is where I always go to clear my mind." He says taking his key out and stepping out of the car, I laugh really quick and wait as he walks to my side to open my door.
"Come on." He says. I grab his hand and follow him down this hill to a small river front. We both sit on the dock and I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach, something that has been bothering me all week.
"Do you think what we are doing is wrong?" I ask, looking over at him as the wind blows my hair back. He looks down in the water than at me.
"What do you think?" He asks.
"I'm tired of thinking. I want to know what you think." I say, laying on my back as he still sits up, looking in the water.
"Look, I've known your brother forever now. I never told him I liked you because I mean...who's brother wants to hear about their friends crush on their little sister? You know what I mean." He says, turning to look at me. I nod. "I just don't feel right about it sometimes...Ya know?" I say. He lays on his back too. "You can't help who you fall in love with." He says.
My heart immediately stops.
I don't say anything for a while, "You're in love with me?" I ask.
"I'm falling in love..." He says, turning to face me.
I smile just a little bit and hide it back.
"What about you?" He asks.
"I would be falling just like you are but my brother not knowing anything about this is what's bothering me." I say. "Well hey, I guess we are going to have to tell him some point?" He says.
I nod. "I think my dads pretty up my ass about it, he's probably told him by now." I say.
"I just don't want anything to happen between you and him." I say.
"Felicia, he's my best friend, somewhere deep down he'll understand." He says. I nod. "Okay."

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