ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 5

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 5- 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞

~𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒹 𝒫ℯ𝓇ℴ𝓈𝓃 𝒫𝒪𝒱~

"Mt. Moon? I heard that a meteor crashed there once" She tapped her chin.

"The meteor is called the moon stone. Some people say it's fake while others say it's real, 100 %" Brock Remarked as she nodded when they hear a scream alarming them.

"They must be in trouble!" Ashley exclaimed worried.

"Whorver it is then let's go help them!" Brock said as the 2 ran to where the direction of the scream was.

The 2 fellow trainers arrive to see a man getting attacked by a bunch of Zubats.

"Spearow, I choose you! Use Steel wing!" She ordered once Spearow was summoned and charged at the zubats everywhere causing them to fly away scared.

"Are you okay, mister?" The scientist gasped as Ashley and her companions sweat dropped.

"Never call me mister! My name Seimour! It is says that a humans best friend is their Pokemon and to see you with such bond with your partner, I believe it's true" He stated as Ashley gulped.

"So why were the Zubats attacking you?" Brock spoke in a questioning tone.

"They attacked me because somebody hung lights in the cave blinding them, as they mistook me and attacked me" He explained as the girl nodded.

"Follow me, I'll show you" He told them as they followed.

"Wow it's sure LIGHT in here, ahahha" The gym leader tried to joke to impress Ashley but she was weirded out as Seymour face palmed.

A small pink Pokeman skipped by but went back to Ashley.

"A clefairy! Your so cute!" She squealed as she played with her and took her Pokedex out.

"Clefairy- The fairy Pokemon. Adored for their cute looks and playfulness. They are thought to be rare, as they do not appear often" Dexter analyzed as Ashley hugged the Pokemon.

The trainer noticed Clefairy holding something which clearly was a moon stone.

"A moon stone!!" The young scientist exclaimed as he fixed his glasses.

"Maybe she could help us to the way?" She suggested as Celfairy jumped and made a sign to follow them which they catched up, until an explosion occures.

"Wha?!" She squeaked as she hears the Motto and familiar voices.

*Insert Motto*

"Team Rocket! You 3 again!?" Ash growled in frustration as the member chuckled.

"We'll be taking the moon stone to da boss!" Meowth said.

"It can talk!?" The 2 shouted in shock besides Ash who took out an Ultra ball releasing Silvally who went into fighting stance as Pikachu hopped off.

"Pika! Pi..!" "Vally! Sil!"

"Twerps!" The 2 said and released their Koffing and Ekans.

"Koffing, smoke screen!" James ordered as the floating Pokemon released smoke as we covered ourselves.

"Clefairy, no!" Ash yelled in worried as Clefairy was taken away by team Rocket.

"Dang it!" She whined as she was extremely worried for the Pokemon and decided to go after her leaving Brock and Seymour, as they recovered from the smoke realizing Ashley was gone too.

Ashley spotted Team rocket holding Pickaxes with them.

"Hey! Where is Clefairy?!" She screamed in anger.

"None of your business twerp" James snarled.

"If meowth is not here then that means... He's probably chasing Clefairy!" She pumped her fists as Pikachu jumped off her shoulder.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt on them!" She added.

"Pika!" The Pokemon growled and sent out electricity making them fly off.


"Now for Clefairy!" "Pika-chu!" The 2 agreed and heard a cry that was from Clefairy as they got out and saw Meowth chasing Clefairy trying to get the moon stone.

"Pikachu, Volt tackle on Meowth!" She commanded as Pikachu covered himself with electricity and charged at Meowth blasting him off, as the Clefairy was safe.

"Clefairy!" The fairy type happily cried.

"Pika!" The girl smiled same goes to the Kanto citizen.

"Ash! Your alright!" Brock said from behind as Ashley turned to them.

"Brock, Seymour! She's safe" She recalled as Clefairy had tugged her leg.

"You want us to follow you?" The Pokemon nodded happily and skipped away with the 3 following her.

From what Clefairy had led them, it was another cave. Though there were a bunch of Clefairies around, and one Clefable.

"Wow! There's so many of them" Ashley stared in amazement.

The Clefaires had dug up the big and small moonstones as the companions were at glee.

All the clefairies circled around and started chanting.

"Huh? What's the clefaires doing?" Questioned Brock confused.

"They're praying to the moonstone!" The scientist answered with joy.

But as always, the idiotic trio always ruins the moment.

"Again?! You crooks!" Seymour shouted in annoyance and anger.

"How rude! We will be sucessfully taking these moonstones now" Jessie laughed but Ashley had enough and sent out her Pidgeotto and Pikachu hopped off the shoulders.

"We've had enough! Pikachu, use thunderbolt! Pidgeotto, Gust!" Our protagonist ordered as the attacks combined and sent the trio flying off again.

"Now that their gone. Oh" She said coldly. She didn't even get to witness them evolve, no thanks to Team rocket.

"Maybe some day Ashley, you'll be able to see another Clefairy evolve" Brock assured as his companion sighed and just smiled brightening up the mood.

"It's now time for us to leave, see ya" She said.

"I'll be staying here with the Clefables and Clefairies and to protect the moon stone!" Seymour announced as the 2 companions chuckled and left the cave on their way out.

"I guess it was also nice to befriend three Pokemon" She remembered when she helped the thirsty sandshrew and promised the Paras that she would help them. She also played with the certain clefairy who was now a Celfable.

"Clef!" "Shrew!" "Paras!" Three Pokemon calls could be heard behind them as they swiftly turned around to see the Pokemon Ashley had befriended with.

The 3 went up to Ash and jumped happily.

"Y-you want to come with me?" She stuttered surprised as they all nodded with joy.

"Aww! I'll be glad for you guys to be part of my team! Go Pokeball!" She threw 3 Pokeballs as they were all sucked inside and rolled 3 times and made it's capture sound.

"Wow Ash, they really like you" Brock stated as Pikachu agreed. "Yeah, we have to go to a Pokemon center though. My pokemon limit is full" She said as they walked off heading to their next destination.

Ash's new Pokemon:

Paras (M)
Sandshrew (M)
Clefairy-Clefable (F)

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