The Secret Holder

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This part actually wasn't going to be in this story, but I got inspired by the animatic above. And I did change some of the lyrics for plot/story reasoning, plus I copied and pasted the lyrics into this story. Also, I have never had a panic attack before, at least I don't think so, so whenever I write someone having a panic attack (F in Chat for Varian) I'm making it up as I go 😅. LET'Z BEGIN!

The 3 newcomers of Corona stood in front of the blacksmith and of their friend in shock. Nobody knew what to say, so Yong said what was on everyone's mind.

" Wait, THAT'S YOUR DAD?! I thought you said your dad was a farmer?! "

Varian looked at Yong in shock, a blush forming on his face as he waved his hands around frantically. Xavier gave a chuckle at the statement, placing a hand on Varian's head. The sudden contact seemed to calm the flustered boy down, though he was still embarrassed.

" No, little one. " He replied with a warm smile, " Varian and I are just close. You could say that I do act like a second father to him. "

Yong put on his 'serious face' and nodded. While Hugo and Nuru were laughing, Varian rolled his eyes, Xavier invited the 4 into his workshop/home.

Going through the door, the ravenette smiled at how the shop seemed to look like how it was when he first left for his journey. The anvil had flecks of ash on it, as the coals burned in the fireplace. Hammers and other tools laid around in different places, with the smell of melting metal filling the air.

" Since you're all my guests for now, why don't I bring us all some water? "

" Xavier, you really don't have to do that, " Varian rubbed the back of his neck. " Honestly, I apologize if my friends and I bothered you while you were working- "

Varian was suddenly cut off by Hugo, well, more like a kiss from Hugo. It was short, but I was sweet as well. The ravenette's eyes widened a bit and his mouth gaped open. Uneasiness filled him, as he quickly glanced from Hugo to Xavier.

Varian seemed to be in a trance of sorts that when the blacksmith chuckled and smiled at the scene, he flinched back into reality. Xavier made a gesture with his hand and Varian followed him into the little kitchen.

Upon arriving, Varian felt like he was on the verge of having a panic attack. The words he tried to speak whenever he opened his mouth was only filled with silence. Before he knew it, a comforting hand was placed onto his shoulder.

Looking up, Varian saw the wise old eyes of Xavier. A warm smile present on his face like usual.

" X- xavier. . . .I- I can ex-expl-, " Varian was suddenly cut off by the soft shushes of the blacksmith.

" Don't worry, " he said. " I can tell that you deeply care about them all. "

A light blush dusted Varian's freckled cheeks, his mouth gaping open. The ravenette stifled as Xavier placed a hand on his head, slightly leaning into the comfort gesture. A small throb of pain made his way to the center of his forehead, causing him to grit his teeth to not make a sound.

Before the blacksmith could ask if Varian was okay, a sudden crash explosion was heard from the room previous. Facepalming, Varian walked out there, with Xavier holding the drinks, to see a smoking Yong, a worried Nuru patting down the boy's clothes, and a smirking Hugo.


(If you've ever seen one of the episodes of Pokemon Talk by MandJTV, you'll understand the reference.)

" Uh oh. . . . " Yong trailed off, quickly smashing his hand against his head to stop the small fire that was on it.

" Busted. " Nuru crossed her arms, jabbing her thumb towards the blond, who whistled innocently.

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