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The wind blew down hastily on her skin she knew she'd be doomed if she were to leark back where she came but she also knew that the path in front was the only way to the eye of the storm. It appeared the rain was acid and she wouldn't be able to take much more of it the more she thought the less she remembered and soon enough she felt the cold tingle of death find her to see a green light. She was confused as she rubbed her eyes and she was in a hospital bed no idea who she was but she was alive, She didn't understand. Who was she and how was she alive "So she's awake finally" said Midas walking in to the room. "Miss, Your name is Skye the doctors know that you've forgotten everything but Skye do you remeber anything?" Asked Midas. "I remember I can never go back not there never again" said Skye before collapsing "I'll take her with me" said Midas "are you sure sir?" Asked A doctor. "I'm sure I am the leader of the agency worse come to worse I can have remedy on the case" said Midas. The doctors nodded as Midas picked up the girl Skye bridal style. Midas walked threw the summer day and crossed a bridge he had made earlier with Meowscles to get the main land he took Skye into his room avoiding everyone.

"Well Skye I guess this is a reset to your save file I know you love video games and all so I'll make you as comfy as possible though the other agents can not know your here they'd be opposed to me caring for a stranger however I don't know what it is but something lures me to you." Said Midas before sighing he put a sleeping sign on his door and locked it the only over person was Remedy and Remedy already knew that Midas and Skye where at least friends cause of that day where Skye bumped into Midas.

Midas pulled out a chair and sat watching Skye waiting for her to awaken from her slumber.

Skye woke up confused she saw Midas and went to scream but Midas covered her mouth with his hand and shushed her "Quite or I'll use tape" said Midas he then sighed. "The doctors didn't have room for you once we found out you were stable enough so I Took you with me cause you said you couldn't go back" said Midas. Skye looked at him and hugged him before crying into his shoulder "I don't remember much only sad parts I don't want to talk about" said Skye. "That's completely reasonable" said Midas "Though some ground rules 1: you are forbidden to leave this room I'll bring whatever you need to you 2:don't answer the door unless it's remedy I'll sure you who it is later though tell her to do her secret knock to make sure I'll show you what it is when you meet her do you understand Skye?" Asked Midas. "Y-yes master Midas" said Skye "I am not your master, I'm just an over protective friend" said Midas (Author Fade:Husband). "Ok well I mean I'm hungry" said Skye. "Ok well just rest and I'll be back with food later" said Midas walking out the door locking it. She tried to open the balcony door but it was also locked so she sighed and sat on the bed. She heard knocking at the door and froze hid behind the bed.

"Hey M, I request you feel up my cat food bowl when you get the chance!" She heard the person behind the door say as she heard them leave with the echoing words "guess his not in his room". Skye sighed as Midas entered again placed the food on his bed with a plate that said Skye and another that said Midas they where each fully loaded with roast chicken. Skye didn't eat until Midas got back, "why haven't you ate my Skye?" Asked Midas "Well master Midas, I thought it'd be rude if I didn't wait for you" said Skye "Skye please stop calling me Master Midas. And why is it you call me that?" Asked Midas. "Abusive parents and care takers your the first person that I can remeber to ever be nice to me" said Skye. "Ok Skye I want you to know I won't ever hurt you unless it's to stop a train from hitting you or something then I might hurt you to save your life but in general" said Midas. Skye nodded as she began to eat and Midas ate two. Once they where done Midas put the dishes in his rooms kitchen sink. Midas walked back to Skye and handed her some clothes "go change and get ready for bed" said Midas Skye nodded "yes master Midas" said Skye "I said Call me Midas" said Midas skye giggled.

Skye came out of the room wearing this

"How do I look?" Asked Skye blushing a bit "absolutely adorable as always anyways get in the bed" said Midas Skye now blushing even more went in the bed

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"How do I look?" Asked Skye blushing a bit "absolutely adorable as always anyways get in the bed" said Midas Skye now blushing even more went in the bed. "Wait Midas where will you sleep?" Asked Skye. "Next to you first just let me get into my pjs" said Midas causing Skye to blush a lot more.

"So what do you think?" Asked Midas "You look hawt" Skye blurted out

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"So what do you think?" Asked Midas "You look hawt" Skye blurted out. "Heh well anyways Skye sweet dreams" said Midas climbing in the base Facing Skye and Skye laid facing him. Skye drifted off to sleep but Midas stayed awake. He couldn't sleep so he admired Skye beauty or at least that's what he told himself he was doing.

Until he heard crying and Skye woke with tears in her eyes he hugged her and pulled her close to him "Shhh what's wrong my violet Skye?" Asked Midas he admitted he needed to work on his nicknames. "I had a bad dream" said Skye burying herself into Midas' chest he felt her drift asleep.

While he didn't know who had hurt her he knew he was going to make them pay...

And that was chapter one of my Skydas book hope you enjoyed I don't even know half the stuff I wrote I put my brain on auto pilot for this book and it worked for now Ima do it for chapter two to. Also GHOSTHENCHMEN i finally made a skydas book happy now? /j Cya all next chapter.

Skydas:Golden love (if this tittle is stolen let me know I don't check stuff)Where stories live. Discover now