Chapter two

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Midas walked towards his pc and plugged the USB in "hope this files worth my time away from Skye, I need comfort but I will for fill the last request first" said Midas.

Ages ago:
"Slone here, From the imainged order. Loopers I don't have much time before they get me to but stay away from [redacted], That's where the [redacted] virus will originate Do not allow it to corrup[redacted redacted] or else your island is doomed, [redacted] They caught m- search contain protect the loop who are we? SCPTL"

"I'm not sure how that was helpful the SCPTL huh guess I've got my next project to research I'm sorry Skye your cuteness is gonna have to wait hmm it's corrupted I'll just speed to the nearest place I can see the rest of the file" said Midas.

Awhile ago but Later then slones message:
"I should've listened to the message I found from the SCPTL now known as the [redacted] order, I have become the very thing I sought to destory, I am sorry tell Rue I'm sorry, I've turned our shadow our peace keeping into a monster. I can contain the virus As long as I remain alive but my actions I'm not in control to those I hurt I'm sorry"

"Intresting" said Midas looking at the file being corrupted again "Maybe there's a way to stop the loop whatever the hell that is, Maybe if I stop the storm that my mother used to mention and that I saw Skye in Maybe that'll stop the loop I don't know I have to try it" said Midas.

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