Chapter four

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It had been a couple weeks since the two started dating and finally Midas and Skye where ready to announce to the agents that they where dating, And well reveal them to who Skye was.

The meeting was in half an hour to say that Skye was neverous was a understatement Remedy was in there lounge with them "Skye calm down" Said Remedy patting her on the back "Don't worry nothing will go wrong I'm sure of it" said Midas sipping his tea. "If you say so midas" said Skye "when did she stop calling you Master Midas?" Asked Remedy "We had a bet over my show" said Skye. "Oh what was the bet" asked Remedy "weather Axol would die at the end of the series or not" said Skye. "She lost all 72 bets" said Midas "Yep" said Skye. "Well ok then" said Remedy before glancing at her watch "the others should be here In 5 minutes go take a seat next to Midas Skye" said Remedy Skye nodded and did as told as Midas had gotten another chair next to his for her.

Maya, was the first to enter the meeting room saw the other person and said nothing and went and took a seat in her spot. Tech was the second to arrive he saw the glare his girlfriend Maya gave him and stayed quite and sat next to her. (Yes Maya and Tech are dating in this because why not?) Lynx entered Third and took a seat at her usaul spot. Meowscles was 4th and stood against a wall like remedy was doing. TNTina or Tina for short was 5th and sat where she usually sat, The henchmen came in and sat at there table, Brutus came in and sat at this spot Burning wolf came in and also stood by a wall. The ego agents entered and sat at there table now with everyone there the meeting began.

"Now that we are all here may I begin?" Asked Midas looking around at the motion of nods. "This is Skye my girlfriend" said Midas Motioning to her she just waved. 8 ball spat out his coffee in shock then shrugged "So that's who's always talking when I'm walking around at night" said 8ball "Yes she does chat in her sleep a lot" said Midas chuckling.

"Well ok then I'm assuming she'll be joining the team now" said Meowscles "you'd be correct, Anyways also What the heck is up with your locations people, The brig and Grotto have both been lost to shadow in less the 7 days!" Said Midas.

"Sorry, this best way for Brutus Uncover sir" said Brutus "I mean that makes sense what about you agent Tina?" Asked Midas "Ever heard of a traitor" said Tina pulling out a grenade "Tick Tock Agents!" Said Tina as she began to throw grenades everywhere.

Midas sighed as he stood up he looked at Skye before picking her up and yeeting her outside into the water he then walked over to Tina sled a glove off and touched her arm turning her to gold.

"I was wondering what was taking one of you so long I always knew someone would betray the agency" said Midas everyone just stared at him "is this about turning The traitor to gold or throwing my girlfriend out the window?" Asked Midas.

8ball gave a nervous chuckle "both I guess" said 8ball "Well my girlfriend is to Innocent to witness a murder, I'm not explaining the gold" said Midas as Skye entered the door "oh hey when did the statue arrive?" Asked Skye she glared at Midas with a knowing look to which he glared back.

"Whoa this is intense somebody give me my popcorn" said a voice everybody turned and looked at a strange person in a teal suit "and you are?" Asked Midas "I'm outa here!" Said The man jumping into a rift almost as soon as he had come.

"We'll today was intresting" said Midas with a chuckle.

Skydas:Golden love (if this tittle is stolen let me know I don't check stuff)Where stories live. Discover now