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[ email ]

Vika Vasylchenko     12:15 PM
to Vander ∨

Hi, Vander!

Wow, I couldn't form any words at the moment. I am still shocked. This is such a great opportunity! I can clear my schedule for the photoshoot. When will this happen?

Best regards,
Javianne Priyanka Vasylchenko
Sylvianka Corp., Chief Executive Officer
Website: sylviankacorporation.com

Vander Van de Velde     12:22 PM
to me ∨

The photoshoot will happen probably by next week. I'm sorry, have I changed some of your schedule for the week? It's just that you were requested by our customers and some other clients. They loved to see you and Russ in one frame for some unknown reasons.

Siobhan Alexander Van de Velde
Loura Magazine, Chief Executive Officer
Website: louramagazine.com

Vika Vasylchenko     12:29 PM
to Vander ∨

Oh, no, no. It's fine, Vander! I've cleared up my sched ever since Adreinalene's son was left for me to babysit.

Regarding me and Russ, it's probably because some people once saw us together one time we were having lunch with Hero. I'd like to take this opportunity to give them what they wanted since Russ and I are not romantically related. This is their chance to see us together because this might not happen again.

Best regards,
Javianne Priyanka Vasylchenko
Sylvianka Corp., Chief Executive Officer
Website: sylviankacorporation.com

Mixed Feelings (Rich Girls #3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon