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(Rumi's) Point Of View


I was just walking through the corridor when, I saw Ms. Kincaid, Hilary and Tyson talking about ..umm ...something ...SeRioUs... I stood there for some moment when I realize that my name came between there talks... I got curious.

I decided to walk to them.....but as I took a step to go to their direction the bell rung and they parted. What a luck I got...oh girl! What were they talking about which included me? Is there any thing which I can do with them? Or for them? But why me? .... Stop thinking Rumi...this is not getting you anywhere. I got frustrated and just walked to the next class...


The final bell rang...

School got over...

Okay ! Now! Rumi concentrate, First...I have to go to my locker check my schedule...search for free time then rush to Shinn's bakery help her in delivering...then I have to go to Mrs. Mukami's house for babysitting her little daughter, Lil.. then come back home before 5..complete homework and then the day off...okay after that-. I was interrupted by my thoughts because of the shouting of Tyson in my ears.... I flinched.

Tyson: "Rumi!!"

Rumi: "uhhh...Y-yes", I stuttered a bit and instantly after that I came to present despite scheduling the future.

T: " uhm? Hey you okay? You were kinda lost in thoughts? Is something bo-"

R: "Yes Tyson...I am not at all bothered with anything I was just scheduling today's schedule in mind before checking the schedule, if I missed something...and ya ....um.. did you want something from me?" a bit waving my hand vigorously.

T: "nah... not important thing.. well let's talk while we will clean the classroom. Okay?"

R: (face palm) "y-yeah sure...I literally forgot about that? Umm...yeah." The last part I mostly mumbled to myself. And gave a light sigh.

I gave Tyson a smile.. before going to my locker and coming back...

( Rumi's) POV Over


(Hilary's) Point Of View

I just finished the meeting with the student council... while stretching my arms... I think I feel a bit off.. no tired... well , when there is a team with whom today I will be going to see the Beyblade match for the best blader JAPAN...obviously to train.. no.. not to train to help in training the 2- Time world Champion Team...I need to take care of myself. I thought while smiling softly

When I reached the class room to pack my bag. I saw Tyson and Rumi talking to each other a bit Awkwardly...but still smiling... I think they forgot that they have to clean the class room. I groaned and started to make my way to the DUO...

But for my dismay...Rumi left the spot and went out the class... Well leave her...I know she will come again.. I know her a bit well. I grinned. But stopped grinning. And started walking towards Tyson.

(Hilary's) Point Of View Over
(Tyson's) Point Of View

"Umhmmm ....thank god school got over .... Now just have to go to the bey stadium and rock over there" I said punching my fist in the air...."But Tyson? Don't you have to clean the classroom.? Hope you will be done early...before the match starts" Kenny spoke up from no where."what do you mean Kenny... I mean ya I will clean but aren't you gonna wait for me till then?" "I-i  think.... I will....I t-think I won't", "What!?" But, with that he ran away... "Hnnn anyways... ".                      ┐('ー`)┌"

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