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I froze. I slightly looked back to see him still looking to the river. this guy, is hiwatari? that boy was also hiwatari......they were destined to meet ? wait what ?  Stop thinking absurd Rumi. I turned around as I hum in response and left.

The sun was shining and I was in the class room looking outside. is that ok to be befriend him? .... I think I should give a chance , let's first I should talk with Tyson and Hilary and probably after that with Ray and Max and then HIM. I sighed as I put my head down, as I felt my eyes getting heavy . Suddenly a light shown in my mind and eyes that I immediately opened my eyes and rubbed them a little. as I looked up-

I saw Ms. Kincaid has entered the classroom and I was grateful that I woke up on time. 

Tyson turns to me and says, "hi Rumi! how's your day!"

Rumi: it's not even started you know.. *rolls eyes*

Tyson: *slaps his hand on Rumi's back* hahaha nice joke!

Rumi: *winced silently* *glares* thanks *hisses*

Tyson: *confused* what?

Rumi: *rolled her eyes* nothing

Tyson: gonna come today at the dojo?

Rumi: don't know *writing something*

Tyson: it will be fun! today we are going to practice! for the finals!!

Rumi: you got selected for finals straight? *turned her head to him and surprised*

Tyson: yes! what can you expect from a champion! *proud*

Ms. Kincaid: *sweatdropped* Tyson... may you. . .please talk a bit low..

Tyson: of course I can Ms. Kincaid! see! *starts to whisper to Rumi*

Rumi: (ㆆ_ㆆ)

Whole class: *sweatdrop* 


School was over as I walked back home. Today I had to go to Mrs. Mukami's house and take care of Lily. I walked to their house as I rang the bell.

The door opened revealing Mr. Mukami. well... is this why today I had to take care of her? I mentally sweatdropped. I remember last time I took care of lily in front of Mr. Mukami I was scolded a lot and nothing was complete when Mrs. Mukami came.. I took a deep breath and said, "konnichiwa Mr. Mukami. hope you are having a good day, I have came here to take care of Lily.." I said bowing a bit with my hands in front holding my school bag. 

Mr. Mukami had a very stern and cold look and he didn't said a word just kept making a hole in my soul..

After some time,

Mrs. Mukami came out and said, "oh! hello Rumi! nice you came on time. well there is some change of plans, may I ask you to take Lily to your home and keep her with you. she can go out with you too if you want. " she said a bit joining her hands.

I smiled at her and said, "it won't be a problem Mrs. Mukami" 

Mrs. Mukami out of a sudden side hugged me. As I flinched but got my composure but with a nervous smile.

Soon Lily also came out running with her arms open and jumped on me and hugged me too. Mrs. Mukami just stood straight as she giggled a little.

I patted Lily's head and giggled a little. I looked up and asked, "so when you will be coming back mam?"

Mrs. Mukami said, "we will come back in night and will pick her up from your house no need to worry about it! " I nodded in understandment.

I took Lily's bag in my hand as I held her hand and said, "ok, then , we will be going, say bye Lily."

Lily closed eye smiled and said, "hehe bye! see you soon momma and daddy !! will tell what ventures we did!! hehehe"

I sweatdropped a little and said, "adventures Lily, ok ? ad-ven-tu-res ?" Lily gave a confused look but smiled .

Mrs. Mukami patted both of our heads and said, "enjoy you too"

Mr. Mukami at last spoke but it scared me a bit , "don't dare to lost her" as he left.

Mrs. Mukami just said to ignore her husband and to enjoy our time together and she gave Lily alots of hugs and kisses . I smiled at them 

 as I left to my house with Lily.

I reached my house's front gate in next 15 min of walking. Lily tugs my skirt as she asks, "ne, Rei san! what are we gonna do? I am all hungry and bored!" she said while her cheeks a bit puffed.

I just pulled Lily's cheeks very lightly and said, "we are going to eat food and then will go meet some friends and play in the park! how's it?" 

Lily's eye sparkled up and she started to jump and run.

I just giggled and ran with her.



They both ran to Rumi's house. Rumi took her keys out and opened the door. "welcome home Lil! make your self comfortable little princess hehe" Lily just peeked in, as she asks, "where is Ami ? I wanna play with her!!"

Rumi says, "Ami is gone with her brother and aunt for shopping they will come in evening. so I will make you your lunch. so what you want to eat?" Rumi was in the kitchen while wearing an apron over her school uniform. and was taking some utensils out. 

Lily just giggled evilly as she says, " I wanna eat Tokyo Tower! bring me that otherwise I won't eat anything!!!" she says with hands up in air.

Rumi's jaw dropped a little as she soon recovered from the answer, "....fine wait right there! and watch the T.V. I am bringing your 'Tokyo Tower'"

Lily says, "alright!~~" as she ran to the couch and jumped up and switched on the T.V. and watched Peppa Pig on it

Rumi stood in the kitchen thinking what shall she make ... 

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