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WARNING: there may be/may not be some uncomfortable writing in this chapter with 2-3 foul language...

(No One's) Point Of View

Rumi was walking on the footpath with 5-6 bags in both of her hands. She was coming from shopping for the festivals coming as her mom told. Many people were out today. some were buying things from shop, some were standing and chatting on phone. some parents were walking with their kid and enjoying the outing.... Rumi came to a zebra-crossing and waited patiently for light to turn from tomato to capsicum.... when it happened she started to walk and move to the other side. she almost reached the other side when she found herself pulled.

(No One's) Point Of View Over

(Rumi's) Point Of View

I was about to cross the road when I felt someone pulled me down the earth. I fell on the ground. I saw everyone circling around me. I even heard Hillary's voice calling me. my vision got blur. Then I felt someone roll over me. My whole body paralyzed. I heard yelling. my head was aching. I don't know what's happening. I closed my eyes when I saw a blue white thing flying towards me. The coldness and brightness coming from it and shadowing the darkness around me. It came closer and closer...as that thing came closer and closer I felt my breath leaving slowly and slowly. It finally reached to me and I felt very light and like leaving the ground floating in the space. I started to choke blood. My hands legs .. my whole body.. started to become dead.... I saw the past which I thought I had buried it inside my brain for forever...

(Rumi's) Point Of View Over

(No One's) Point Of View

she saw a 6-year-old girl with mid length black hair being brushed by a ravenette hair old lady who is smiling and the little girl playing with a thread in her hand. The lady finished her hair and said, "Rei~chan see I made your hair. now happy?" the little kid put a hand on her hair and checked, she turned around and give a hug to the lady, "yes momma. I will go and check my hair" then she ran towards the door and went to the other room. she saw herself and turned around and around slowly and saw her beautiful light blue gown flow in air. she giggles and ran towards the room where the lady was sitting and now knitting a scarf... the child went to her mom and said while jumping a little, "wow momma you make such a nice tair" the lady giggled and tapped her finger on the nose of the little girl and said" it's your hair Rumi not Tair" the girl just giggled. and the day went on. the night came ... a man came in home and said, " i am home" the lady came and took of his coat and welcomed in they both entered the drawing room and saw their little daughter asleep with the sofa's cushion hugging it tight. The man smiled and picked the child and went to her room... he made her sleep near her little sis who was just 1 year old.

after seeing this One Tear drop came down Rumi's face, who was looking very sore.

then she saw the man who is her father taking her mother to a lab with her little sis and Rumi herself. RUMI WHO WAS SEEING THIS WHISPERED SLOWLY, "no........don't go" , then she saw her father very angry and saying, " YOU KNOW YOU LITTLE B**CH, YOU ARE NOT WORTHY TO EVEN LIVE WITH US!!! SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!" then he signalled one of his guards to bring something. the guard obeyed and brought a steel rod. he took it and move forward which resulted in moving back of that kid... the little Rumi started to shiver because of the fear of getting beaten up by it. The man aka her father didn't even showed mercy to that poor child he started to beat the child so badly. the child stuttered and said, "s-sorry d-" and then he hit her one more time on the arm of that child.


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