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"Ami!!!come down fast you are already three minutes late for school!!!" Aunt shouted. I was sitting on dining table and munching the toast.

After sometime I was done with breakfast and was heading out when Aunt said " Rumi did you forget something?" I thought for some moment. " I don't think so?"

 She said," you forgot Ami now come and take her to school on your bicycle" I made a face saying 'did I went to Ami's school?' I just nodded with a weird expression and said, "alright.....but where is she?" 

and then she came running towards the door with a messy tie on her shirt. I rolled my eyes and went to the shed to bring my cycle. I waved her to sit on the back she sat and we went to school but only after Ami shouting good bye to aunt and paralyzing my ears.

We reached her school and she dashed to her class. and Me like a car driver went to my school after saying a small bye to her. 

I reached my school and went in I was not late but also not early. I went to my locker and took out my books and put it in the bag and started to walk towards the class. The trip to class from locker area was very weird as, it felt to me that everyone is scared of me. I opened the classroom door and was only to be greeted by Kimi and skitty squad. they all were standing in front of me. and staring at shock . as ....... we opened the door together and faced each other. I just rolled my eyes. 

But suddenly, they stood away from my way and stood parallel to each other and made a way till my desk. I was surprised. I looked at them in pure shock. but I still moved to ahead to my desk instead of asking why they are behaving like this. 

I sat on my desk and stared at everyone they were all scared of me . I do not like to get all attention. I tried to ignore them but- 

I sighed and teacher came in, Tyson did not came late instead he was early than me, Hilary was unusually sticking with Tyson, Kenny........I am just scared of him. He was making something and I just was getting uncomfortable in the class.


The classes are over everything is weird and right now I have to go to Principal's office. for what? I also don't know. what is actually going on? are everyone trying to prank me? or during the accident I damaged my head? or I reincarnated in other world? uh the last point feels stupid. But wh- I suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up to see Hilary. She was smirking- "something gonna............ happen......." my words trailed down the road......... She grabbed my hand and dragged. I am not joking she literally dragged me. My legs washing the floor. and to the principal's office. I stood straight and brushed off the dust from my school uniform. and glared at Hilary for which I got a small pat on my head. what does she thinks of me ?a kid? 

I opened the door and stepped in and Greeted Principal Sir, "finally you reached. I thought you won't come . like other students." I just nodded. why nodded. I don't know I just did that or else it would have been felt like I am not listening and I am not good at buttering- like others to impress teachers so I just nodded. he gestured us to come near the pin board where the map of city was pinned. 

OH yes..........Hilary is still there. How can I forgot about her-

Principal continued, "we are going to held the sports fest in the upcoming days. We have less time left I want you guys to prepare the setting for the main event in that 'The Maze Race' so you have to put some flags in the secret places and create hints. It has to start from school grounds to The Top of the mountain. It should be confusing ok." he orders . I replied, "ok sir" He nodded and gave some more information. 

I went out and walked a few steps and saw Tyson leaning on the wall like Kai......wait they both are opposite like poles. 

Tyson had closed eyes and he said sternly, "Rumi. let's go" I turned to back to think if there was someone else named 'Rumi' suddenly the white girl came in my mind and I  stumbled. I almost fell down when Tyson gave support to me to stand. what the ........"Thanks " I mumbled. he nodded and started to move taking me too. "Stop I can walk" he stopped and left me but then Hilary grabbed my hand and pinned me on the wall. I gave a long sigh and said, "now what?" she glares at me which I reply with a small yawn. 

Tyson rolled his eyes and pulled Hilary away and dragged him away from me. "Weird" I stood straight and looked out of the window of the corridor. I could see the mountain. I made a fist and started to walk out of school. the white  girl came and said something and disappeared. from my head. I hold my head as it felt my heart shifted to my head and thumbing there.

 I managed to go out and pull my cycle out from the stands. I went to Ami's school and saw her laughing with her friends and acting of someone. I heard what they were talking about Ami says , "she says like, 'hey Ami I will get revenge. just. you . wait.' and then she leaves haha it's very fun she looks stupid in tha-" She stopped and shivered. I turned around and started to leave. she ran up to me and said , "hey where you going leaving me behind?" I ignored her and sat on bicycle and start to go to house without her. She started running behind. 

we reached the house and she was panting. I ignored her and went to shed and placed my cycle. and quietly went to my room upstairs.

"Talk as much as you want I won't talk to ya" I mumbled to her when she was stopping me from me from going to my room. She puppy eyed me and said sorry. I said with a poker face, "now I should tell you I don't like puppies so it won't work" she pouted and said, "do whatever you want" and she pushed me or she tried to do that and ran away to Aki.

I opened my dress wore my hoodie and jeans as now I have to go for a race preparation. I hurried down and sat on the dinning table to eat my lunch.

Mom gave me my lunch, "here sweetie." I nodded and ate quietly soon enough I was done. and I went outside. weird why didn't I told mom I am going out. I felt a bit weird but I didn't wanted to tell also . the white girl again came in my mind and said, "we can talk when we need" and again she disappeared . ok what the hell is going on!!!! I am tired already. I inhaled deeply and started to run to the mountain with flags in my hand. 

I reached the mountain and I felt something weird in my whole body. I felt like someone is asking me to come in the mountain. as it's the place I will find that. wait. What I will find? 

I shrugged that thought and shook my head a little and started to climb the mountain. But suddenly a wood log come flying towards me. I dodged it on time. But then a thread got stuck in my leg and I almost fall when I got stuck in a net. "what the bloody hell. who does this in a mountain. it's not a prank is it?" I groaned and tried to reach to my pocket knife. But before that someone stung a sleeping pin in my hand. My eyes started to feel heavy after the little pain. I shook my head and tried to stay awake. I saw a man. of age of ...I think 40's or something. He came near and send, "IT'S MY MOUNTAIN" but I fell into the darkness and my eyes got closed.


Rumi got into a slumber and that man with a stick.

(oh that man ..... is NOT Mr. Kaminari from Doraemon)

Stared at the girl with black hair.

"I don't think she is a stranger to us master." a deep sad voice said to the old man,

"forest spirit you don't have to worry we will interrogate when she wakes up" He said while smirking .



I felt some thing tightening around my waist as my body became sore from middle. Suddenly a soft furry thing got on my nose. I tried to open my eyes. I opened it- didn't I opened my eyes right now??!?! I tried to blink many times and then I realized my eyes are open but I am not in open. I again closed my eyes. is there any meaning of closing or opening eyes right now? everything is pitch black. being able to see or not is equal. I sighs..

the soft fur started to give me a sneeze. I sneezed and the lights got turned on. My eyes fixed with the light soon. and then saw a cat sitting on my stomach. and I was tied with ropes. my legs were tied with ropes. but my hands were free. now I know why my body was feeling sore. I am almost clutched between this metal thing and wall and tied with ropes. I got kidnapped or what?!?! I scanned more then got to knew I was in a cave. a long cave from where I can see the exit. a straight exit. but then I noticed the explosive wires shining from between the rocks. the cat was sitting on the blade. and the blade was blocking my every moment.

A man came in front- the same man I saw before passing out. I asked him, "why am I here Mr... er?" He smiles a-not-so-good smile and said, "Mr. Kaminari, and you are here because you entered MY mountain." he says very proudly. I rolled my eyes and said, "no mountain on this planet belongs to anyone Mister." but he said while smiling, "but in this case this is my mountain MR. KAMINARI's MOUNTAIN."

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