reminisce | 04

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[1257 words]
[grammar is terrible. please ignore or point out typos please]


'i heard about you, you know, after you left.' she bit her tongue. the phrasing wasn't good. it made it look like she was accusing him of leaving. she hoped that was enough to make it obvious that she now knew who he was and... his significance.

'i didn't mean it like that-' she quickly added, not wanting to seem judgemental. she didn't feel like sipping on the coffee he got her anymore, afraid she made things awkward.

valtteri cleared his throat a little, feeling a little awkward around the person he thought was a stranger. he tried to look around at the cafe at the airport where they were still sitting, forgetting about the fact that they both had places to be.

'it's okay. i wasn't the best at keeping contact.' he looked up from his coffee. he had been avoiding her dark eyes for the last minute or so, but he felt the urge to look up as he said that.

her eyes were still a rare shade of dark brown, for finland at least, she bore all those years ago. she had become far more beautiful than he could ever imagine. she was a perfect blend of finnish and lebanese.

she was observing him the same way he was observing her. the years of distance between their last meeting had only now struck them.

she didn't want to nod at his comment but he was right.

'i'm not blaming you, by the way.' she took another sip as she spoke. 'i heard you were doing well.' she let out a brilliant smile, feeling quite proud of the man. she had never imagined what he would look like with facial hair but it suited him so perfectly she didn't want to imagine him without it.

valtteri felt a little heat creeping up his neck and a little flutter in his stomach at the thought of her being proud of him.

'you always hated it.' he pointed out. it was true. she wasn't as interested in karting and racing like she was in ice hockey. she wasn't exactly faint-hearted but something about the crashes they used to see on tv when she and valtteri would watch races together had her concerned and worried.

'i won't say i've been keeping up, but i know you made it far. formula one huh?' the woman added on, feeling her becoming more at ease. they were beginning to talk like old friends. which they were.

valtteri nodded along as humbly as he could. he didn't want to appear arrogant.

'you can say yes you know.' she teased the quiet finn. he was a lot more chatty around her when they were younger. she wondered what else had changed.

except, of course, the obvious.

'what about you miss author? did you write the books you planned on all those years ago?' now more at ease, he didn't feel uncomfortable asking her questions.

dima shook her head, bringing the coffee up to her lips again before she spoke.

'you're looking at a wedding planner vicky. and a damn good one at that.'

valtteri's heart almost dropped at the nickname. he had expected her to forget. she didn't seem to notice in the nonchalant way the special name had dropped.

she felt pride in her job. she knew it wasn't what she said she would do but this was fulfilling. and it paid enough for her to refuse her fathers offer to pay for her occasional trips to beirut.

valtteri was impressed.

'you? i can't possibly list the number of times you were late and disorganised!' he stopped for a second, realising how he sounded. 'i feel like you love it.'

dima laughed as she said 'a few years of experience changes everything. you learn as you grow.'

they had been deep in conversation now, not noticing the waitress approaching them.

they both fell into a natural lull at the sight of the blonde.

'would you like something else?' valtteri blinked as if just noticing that they were actually at a café. he looked at dima. silently asking her. dima looked down at her phone realising the time. she was meant to call her mother to tell her to break the news to her father that she won't make it today. she had forgotten.

'no thank you.' dima smiled as the waitress got the bill out for them to pay. as if she just realised the passage of time, she gently started packing up her stuff.

dima reached into her purse but valtteri had beaten her to it.

'i spilt coffee on you, remember?' he reasoned as persuasively as possible. she noticed the boyish look on his face, the smile that adorned his features made him look radiant. she thought he looked pretty.

'it's okay. let me pay-' before she could even finish her sentence, the man had scammed his card all while the waitress watched along in amusement.

'what?' he said innocently, remembering how fiercely independent she wanted to be when she was younger.

'next time it's on me.' she said without thinking.

valtteri quirked his eyebrow. 'next time?' before she could fix her mistake however, he continued. 'i don't mind dima. whenever you want.'

dima rubbed her neck a little, hating how quickly he understood her. he was going to tease her, but noticing how unsure her response would be he didn't.

she looked down at her phone again before smiling an apologetic smile. i really have to go now.' she commented, getting up while she smoothened her now dried but stained skirt.

valtteri stood as well, unsure of how to say goodbye to her.

'what's your number?' dima boldly asked, not thinking of any ultra-motives when she suggested it. immediately after she understood the implications of her words.

valtteri seemed to pick up.

'i knew my trick would work.' he teased as they walked towards the exit of helsinki international airport with their suitcases on either side of them. he did have a crush on her when they were fairly young. he had grown out of it soon enough but neither could forget that they were each others' first kiss.

she casually elbowed him while rolling her eyes.

'shut it vicky. it's not like that.' valtteri rubbed his side jokingly.

'calm down woman.'

'we need to talk some more.' she started explaining herself but valtteri honestly didn't care. it felt refreshing to speak to the adult version of dima. she was a lot bolder when she was younger.

valtteri agreed and took her phone to type his number in. dima texted him quickly so he could save the number as well.

they both stopped outside dima's dark audi.

'so.' they stood a few metres apart, still unsure of this friendship.

valtteri's head was rushing with thoughts. does he hug her? shake hand? do nothing?

dima stepped forward and steadied her hand on his cheek for a second before kissing him on the other cheek. he reacted quickly and gently placed his hand on the shirt-jacket she wore.

'it was good seeing you.' she muttered as they hugged goodbye.

valtteri's voice was a little breathy as he repeated the sentiments. it was good seeing her, he thought.

'and we'll see each other a lot more?' he put his hands in his pockets as she walked around the car to sit and rolled her window down to answer him.

'you're the busier one. call me when you're free vicky.' she smiled at him one more time before driving off.


i hope it was fine. i know it's very 'conversation' like but i'm trying my best here because i really like this book.


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