lewis | 15

717 40 2

short chapter :(
not edited
i completely forgot to do the dedication :(
this one is for novaeblu3 your comments are so sweet!!

[898 words]

'oh he's crazy about you.' lewis said as he shook hands with his friends partner. valtteri didn't bother rolling his eyes at the comment as dima blushed at the bluntness of the man.

'i'm glad. i like him a lot too. i'm dima, lovely to meet you.' she gently replied, not knowing what else to say. she wasn't going to be declaring her love this early on, and she couldn't allow herself to either for the sake of her sanity.

'lewis.' he quickly introduced himself. 'don't worry, i already know you. valtteri is very hard to ignore when he's the one constantly on his phone.'

the trio were walking in the garage. dima had found her way in, and lewis upon finding out that the mysterious woman that had valtteri acting up was going to be here, had to see her. they looked like a perfect match for each other.

'i didn't know there were brunettes in finland. every finn i've ever met has been totally blond.' they stopped by some computers as the british man explained his surprise. dima was half standing in front of valtteri and valtteri wasted no time in reaching for her hand.

'my father is arab, i've got his side to thank for any distinction between me and most finns.' lewis nodded at her words, now able to distinguish her arab features that blended with her white ones.

'have you even seen other fins who aren't blond?' the question was pointed at both of them.

valtteri chuckled as he remembered.

'i thought she was quite literally the only girl in the world with brunette hair. obviously, consciousness of other people had not hit yet.' valtteri was referring to dima, to which lewis put the pieces together for.

'valtteri! how could you hide the fact that you were childhood friends from me?' lewis complained, teasingly. internally, the couple in front of him looked so comfortable and complete, despite the short time frame of their relationship.

'anyways, many brunettes around here. i'll blend in quite easily.' dima commented, taking a look around. she looked back at the teammates, 'well at least i hope?' she added.

lewis shook one of her shoulders lightly, as if reassuring her.

'you'll be fine, besides val wouldn't let anything happen to you. right?' he looked at valtteri who squeezed her hand and agreed.

lewis took his leave towards his engineer who was waiting for him, while valtteri's engineer shook his head to the side to let him know that it was nearly time for qualifying.

valtteri nodded and then turned to face dima.

'are you okay by yourself?' he asked her, who only smiled in response. 'vicky i'm a grown woman. i can handle myself.' she replied pointedly.

'go.' she insisted, sensing his hesitation. after a moment, he planted a kiss on her cheek and turned to meet his team who were waiting for him.

'wait wait.' valtteri looked up, confused at the sound of the woman. he was wearing his helmet and about to get in the car for q3 when he was stopped.

she reached for his helmet and gently pushed it down. she kissed the headpiece and then released him.

'wait vicky!'

'dima please stop calling me that, especially here!' valtteri groaned in response. they were about to start playing their ice hockey match. unfortunately they had been split up by their teacher, and forced to be in opposing teams.

'what's wrong?' the 14 year old questioned, seeing the girl gently braking with her ice skates, slowing down in front of him.

'ready to get your ass beaten?' she said brightly, her dark brown hair peeking behind the hockey helmet she wore.

'are you seriously going to trash talk me?' valtteri cocked his head to the side, leaning on his stick.

'yes, because you're going to lose so bad.' she said, looking back at her team. 'but, because i care about you, i'm going to give you a good luck charm.' the brunette girl continued, explaining herself as she continued standing in front of him.

'what kind of charm-' the girl leaned forward and bonked her helmet lightly against his helmet.

he pushed the visor up, allowing her to see his expression better. his eyes blue as ever were twinkling under the hungarian sun.

'what was that?' his eyes were crinkling at the end, indicating that he was smiling. the feeling had her heart blooming.

'i don't know. impulse? it isn't exactly a hockey match, but i think this is a good enough reason for a good luck charm.' she pointed out, gesturing to the race cars that were ready to fight for position.

'you know your guys are sickeningly cute.' lewis commented, patting valtteri's shoulder as he walked past them with a teasing smile on his face.

'come on romeo, we have to race.' he pulled valtteri away from dima, which had her laughing. she noticed the cameras outside, and quickly quietened down.

the pair walked down towards the track where the cars were.

'you sure you haven't gifted her a painting of your ass, buddy?' he asked whispering, making the blonde man laugh in response.

'no lewis. i have not.'


sorry for the shorter chapter.

i really could not think of anything else to write like my brain went blank for this book :(

please let me know if you like it !!

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