interrogate | 11

776 44 3

THIS BOOK HIT 4 K DJDBEJDBSJJSJS you guys are so cute!!!
so so so so sorry for the long wait. i was on holiday :)

[1135 words] - NOT PROOFREAD

'is that valtteri?' MARJATTA KHALIL noted as she opened the door, which revealed her husband, her daughter, and a finnish man she last saw more than a decade ago. the luggage behind them was being loaded in by some guys that george had asked from the neighbours house to help.

she almost rubbed her eyes, as if to see if she was dreaming but snapped out of it when her daughter stepped forward to kiss her cheeks.

'mama you haven't seen me in months and the first person you talk about is valtteri?' she playfully rolled her eyes as she hugged her mother. her mother waved her off in equal playfulness and moved to greet valtteri.

'aunt marjatta, it's lovely to see you. you're just as beautiful as you were the day i last saw you.' valtteri politely spoke up as george and dima passed their greetings into the house. it was a lovely night in beirut, the smell of the sea strong in their residence. it created such an ambience that it seemed natural for valtteri to be here. like they hadn't been apart for 10 years.

'oh you flatter me too much. move aside dima, let valtteri through.' marjatta ushered him in quickly, her mood lifted by the appearance of the man accompanying her daughter. dima hadn't mentioned him at all, and to see him at her door with dima had resurfaced old memories of them as children.

dima and valtteri sat down, quiet while marjatta and george sent each other a look.

the brunette finnish woman started laughing at the scene before her. it was eerie for him to see just how much like her mother dima was.

'my my this looks awfully similar to the time you both put fireworks in... what was his name?'

'edward.' dima and valtteri spoke at once, earning a knowing smile from the older khalil's.

'yes yes edward, his postbox. yes i remember that day, both sitting silently on the sofa not saying a word. oh your mother was so angry valtteri dear. that reminds me, how is she?'

'oh she's good, still in finland. she doesn't want to leave it ever.' valtteri was speaking but his eyes were on dima, who was now softly giggling with her father who must have said something to her.

'and your aunt? we used to be very close back in the day.'

'cmon mama you beginning to sound like you're in your 90s.' dima quipped in, wrapping her arms around her mother from behind her chair, teasing her to which her mother responded with a light slap to her arm.

'oh i might as well be dearie, you need to visit me more often.' marjatta complained.

'also, don't you need to do your press conference?' she pointed the 'you' at the blonde man sitting with some 'black' tea in his hand.

valtteri apologised to marjatta as george ushered him away to the study room in their house.

marjatta slapped her daughter arm as she yelped in response.

'owch mama what was that for? also why don't i get served tea, im your daughter!' dima pouted, acting like she was 17 again.

'why didn't you tell me you were with valtteri?' the older woman with a mixture of white and brown intertwined in her hair complained to dima.

'mama there are several connotations of that you have to be more specific!' dima pretended to rub her temple. this was playing out awfully like a scene from a dramatic turkish soap opera.

'blah blah blah you talk to me everyday you didn't mention that he was coming with you? and what connotations, wait are you two together?!?' her mother was rapidly speaking in finnish to her daughter, trying to decipher the meaning behind all this.

dima calmed her mother down and promised to explain everything, but not before getting some more tea.

'and valtteri's joining us from beirut for todays conference.' valtteri made a show of raising his hand in acknowledgement.

'woah valtteri took social distancing to another level.' some other driver commented which had the whole panel laughing.

'what are you even doing in lebanon mate?'

valtteri shrugged his shoulders, realising that he didn't know what to say. lewis had some thoughts about his presence in the arab country, but decided to save them for the race weekend instead.

'anyways moving on...' valtteri was already getting bored and his mind was drifting to dima. dammit he was in too deep.

dima dropped him off to the same airport they both landed in yesterday. he was off to azerbaijan and dima wanted to see him off.

he tried to keep himself from holding her hand, unsure what she would think of it.

'so.. this is your stop.' dima parked the vehicle but didn't get out of it. she turned to face him, realising she didn't want him to go.

'yeah.' he lamely replied, not knowing where to go from here.

'i'm sorry for mama's interrogation yesterday.' she was referring to her mother's questions after the conference was over, directed at his life as a racing driver and about his family, mostly about how they were doing etc etc.

'don't worry about it, i quite enjoy your family's company.'

she had a second of déjà vu from lukas saying the same thing, and had to stop herself from spiralling down that hole. she didn't want to go there.


she looked up at valtteri from her seat, and in a moment of pure mindlessness, decided she could not wait any longer. she said his name, which made him raise an eyebrow in question, before placing a hand on his face and kissing him.

valtteri pulled away first making it a brief kiss, yet his face was flushed. there was something in his eyes, something kind and trusting yet strong and ambitious that had her wanting him like crazy.

'you'll come back to me, right.' dima said, slipping her hand into valtteri's. she motioned for him to get out of the car. it was once again night and the sea was making dima do strange courageous things.

'of course, and then we'll have a serious talk.' valtteri pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. he breathed in her scent that had been eternally etched into his mind since her 16th birthday.

'vicky-' she started again, but valtteri cut her off.

'oh don't ruin the moment like that.' dima rolled her eyes and pressed a kiss to his jaw before motioning for him to get his luggage out.

'we haven't got all day.'

so i'm in istanbul as i write this and it's a vibe.
enjoy x


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