Court Jester Denki x Reader

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CW: Unprotected sex, oral sex, virginity mentioned, consensual voyeurism, and some guided instruction for sexual encounters

The doors to the throne room burst open as the court jester rushes into the room. The queen sits upon her throne and sighs heavily. The blonde adjusts his yellow vest over his loose black peasant top.

"Late again, Denki," the queen remarks with a bored tone.

"My apologies, your majesty. I was getting myself dressed this morning when I found two holes in my trousers of all things!" He shakes his head and sighs in exasperation as he comes to a stop just down the steps leading up to the queen's throne.

She scoffs and quickly looks him up and down. "Well, it seems that you found something more appropriate after this unfortunate event."

"No no, these are those very trousers," he announces proudly and brushes his hands over the fabric of his trousers.

"Well, I don't see any holes. What is this madness you're spouting now?" She sits forward a little, her irritation evident in her features.

He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. "Of course, your majesty! How else would I put my feet through them with no holes at the bottom?"

She grumbles under her breath and presses her back against the throne again. You stand next to her and giggle softly. Denki's bright yellow eyes drift to you as a soft smile spreads across his face.

You feel your cheeks heat at his gaze on you. He slowly scans your body and can't help but smile wider. As the queen's chambermaid, you weren't dressed in an elaborate gown as she was, but you were still adorned in a nicer dress than most girls that worked and lived outside of the castle. You wore a dress that was the same color as the bright blue sky on a beautiful summer's day. The cinched corset you wore over your dress reminded him of the fluffy white clouds that would dot that same summer's sky. It was simple but so beautiful on your frame.

The analogy of the color scheme brought back memories of the first day he had met you. Denki had admired you from the moment he stepped into the throne room for his first ever performance for the queen. You were glued to her side but you watched and listened to him perform from the simple and playful acts he performed to the most elaborate jokes he could muster. He noticed that you would hide your smile and giggle into your shoulder or try to cover the sweet sounds of your laughter with a faked cough.

After his performance, he had strolled away from the castle and ventured to the market for something to eat. Your sweet voice was like music to his ears as you ordered fresh vegetables from the stall next to him. His eyes sparkled as he stared at you, admiring your beauty. When you turned to place the food into your basket, the sun shone down on you just right. The beams of sunlight had cast a glow around you making it appear as though you wore a halo around your head. Denki's cheeks had flushed with the thought that you looked just like an angel sent to earth...and he was the lucky fool to just be in your presence.

A goofy grin had painted his face. You looked up from your basket and started walking in his direction. Your eyes met his and you froze mid-step. He lifted his hand and waved to you. The lovestruck expression he wore made you giggle, but this time you didn't hide it. Denki swore to himself then that he would make you laugh every day of your life, and he had kept that promise.

Even on the days, he wasn't scheduled to perform at the castle, the two of you would happen upon each other in the market when you were out on errands for the queen and the kitchen staff. He would walk over to you and offer to carry your basket. His sweet smiles made your heart flutter. Each time he'd walk with you back to the castle and you would part from each other at the castle gates.

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