Courier Hawks x Reader

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I used a tad of French here for flair because Keigo would woo the fuck out of you. And idk, I picture him being of French origin in a fantasy world. *shrug*

Mon ange: my angel

CW: Unprotected sex, some praise, passionate sex with lots of mentions of deep penetration, body/partner worship, slight power gap between them, cum eating at the very end.

Keigo is a consent king. Change my mind. 

Working in the castle provided you with opportunities to meet all kinds of people from all walks of life. You were appointed First Lady of the Castle after years of loyal service to the royal family. Even though this title was typically held by one of noble blood, you had proved yourself worthy of the crown's trust. They put you in charge of all the servants in the castle. 

You didn't let the position of power go to your head, however. This was something your fellow workers of the castle interior appreciated greatly about you, your humility. You had even decided to keep some of your previous jobs to lighten the load on those around you. Receiving the mail was something you enjoyed, especially after the deliveries were taken over by a new courier. He was a charming young man who had taken up the mantle from his father before him. 

Keigo Takami was not only easy on the eyes, but he was easy on your heart. His chiseled jaw was peppered with just a touch of stubble. His soft smiles and confident smirks made you blush. His tousled blond hair fell into his piercing golden eyes that saw to the most intimate depths of your soul. With every gentle caress of his lingering touch on yours during mail exchanges, you found yourself falling further and further into infatuation with him. 

Over the last few months, his deliveries had grown to be something you anticipated with excitement swelling inside you. The first personal letter he'd hidden amongst the stack of mail came as a surprise. Upon seeing it, you froze on your way through the halls of the castle. His eloquent handwriting painted your name across the envelope so beautifully you envied his penmanship. His letter was simple and to the point. He admitted his fascination for you and confessed that he wished to know you better. 

That night you lit the candle in your bed-chamber and penned your response to him. You returned his interest and offered some information about yourself to him - your family background and some of your interests. You concluded your letter by posing some of your own questions to him. 

The next day that Keigo was scheduled to make a delivery, you flitted around the castle, impatient for his arrival. One of the other servant girls in the castle came to inform you he was in the gatehouse at the front. Before going to meet him, you retrieved your letter from your room. You scurried through the castle, dodging through the bustling workers throughout the busy rooms and hallways. 

As you made your way through the inner castle courtyard, you clutched the letter like it was a lifeline. You entered the gatehouse, stopping just inside the door. Keigo was rocking on his heels, hands in the pockets of his trousers. His gaze swung to you and he smiled softly. He nodded before gliding across the room to meet you. 

"H-hello," you greeted him.

His soft smile overcame his features, showing his brilliantly white teeth. "Well hello, madame," he chirped. 

His golden eyes fell to the letter clutched against your chest. Your face heated and you cleared your throat. Keigo gestured to the letter and extended his open hand to you.

"That for me?"

Words failed you so you just nodded. You offered him the folded parchment. He grabbed it from you, admiring the flustered expression you wore as his fingers lingered on yours for a fraction of time. 

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