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After coming out to his friends, Harry asked himself, why the hell didn't we do this sooner?

They didn't have to hide when they were in the common room. They got to sit together in some of their classes (not Pumblechook—could you imagine the nightmare that would be?). Potions hosted a dangerous atmosphere, though. There was one time throughout the week when Harry had difficulty brewing his potion. As a result, Draco snickered and Harry threw a rat-tail at him. Draco threw back pixie dust, causing sparkles to go over him. Ron had to go between them before there was a huge accident.

So instead, Draco sought back to sabotage Harry's assignment but adding extra frog liver and the Harry found himself in the Hospital Wing with a deformed arm due to an explosion. Draco was with him the entire time, laughing his head off.

Their friends forbid them to sit together in potions ever again.

The next night was Harry's last before he went back to treatment, and they all decided to hang out in the common room, because they could.

"Take this back," Draco threw Harry's old Gryffindor hoodie at his head only after he walked from his room.

"What? Why," Harry asked concerned. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," Draco said simply.

"So why are you giving me back my jumper?" Harry looked up at him with wide but sweetly sad eyes. Even when they broke up, Draco never gave him his hoodie in return.

"Because it doesn't smell like you anymore," Draco complained, crossing his arms. "It just smells like my trunk. I want it to smell like you.

Harry immediately softened, relieved. "Oh." Harry pulled the hoodie over his sweater to find a pleased Draco looking at him. Draco then sat on Harry's lap, completely disregarding the essay laying on it. He took the quill and parchment and held it in his hands as he plopped on top of Harry.

"Please Draco, take a seat," Harry strained.

"Don't mind if I do," Draco smiled as he leaned back, crushing Harry's internal organs. This caused Harry to groan and laugh at the same time. "What are you working on?"

"Potions essay," Harry mentioned, trying to breathe.

"You're just starting now! Harry, he assigned it last week, it was due yesterday."

"He said I could turn it in tonight."

"What excuse did you use," Draco asked.

"Treatment," Harry remarked, though he and Draco both knew that spending a few hours each night in the Room of Requirement probably shouldn't take precedence over their exams.

"Mmhm. Good one. Wouldn't want to tell them what we were actually doing."

Harry blushed as Draco started reading his introductory paragraph.

"You're crushing me," Harry strained, trying to push him off.

"Scoot over, Longbottom," Draco snapped as he wedged himself between him and Harry. "Thank you," he said and Neville stared at him as if he was a wild creature. "What?"

"I never though I'd see the day Draco Malfoy said thank you," Dean confessed. A week since they found out, Harry thought they were taking it quite well. Although surprised at some points, they had gotten accustomed to the nicer Draco, plus sometimes Harry and he were being immensely adorable and it was difficult not to admire them.

"I never thought I'd be sitting by the fire with a bunch of Gryffindorks, either, but look where I am now. Harry, this introduction is awful," he told him truthfully.

Drarry - It Was All Just a Game (REWRITE - MATURE VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now