Chapter Two

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The next few nights Stiles stayed at the empty loft. Peter hasn't been back as far as Stiles is aware of. Stiles slept much better here at the loft, it's probably because of Dereks scent, but none the less he slept better than he had since the wolf left. That night Stiles was about to pass out when he heard footsteps on the other side of the loft door. He started to panic, he then thought it was probably Peter and shrugged it off, until the door came flying open and there stood Gerard. 

Gerard locked eyes with Stiles and smiled manically. "Take the boy, search the place for Hale." He ordered the other hunters. 

Stiles froze, what the fuck was he supposed to do? Before he could really think about it something hard hit him in the back of the head, darkness taking over.


Stiles groaned as he started to wake up, he moved his head and instantly regretted it, a sharp pain shooting in the back of his head, and he started to panic because Stiles is now remembering what happened. He's lying on the cold, dirty, hard floor. 

"Ah, Mr. Stilinski, I didnt think you were ever going to join us." Gerard said with a smirk. 

Stiles wondered just how long hed been out for as he looked around the room, there are three other hunters. "What the hell do you want? And couldn't you at least of given me a chair, or I don't know, a blanket?" Stiles spat. 

"My, my, don't you have a mouth on you." Gerard hummed. 

Stiles rolled his eyes, what can this 90-year-old man really do to him?

And in that moment Stiles wished he didn't have a big mouth. Gerard seemed to read his thoughts and picked Stiles up by his shirt and punched him a good number of times in the face. Stiles fell back down on the floor, hand reaching up to touch the bruise that was already forming on his pale face. 

"Gentlemen get the boy a chair. We have a long night ahead of us." Gerard ordered. Giving Stiles a predatory smile. 

Stiles gulped, because yep, he's totally a dead man. 


"What do you mean he's not here?" John asks Scott. Unbelieving what he's hearing.

"I mean he didn't stay the night here, Sheriff." Scott explains as he tubs the sleep out of his eyes. "Come to think of it he has missed the last few pack nights."

John looked horrified, like someone just killed a puppy right in front of him. Scott tried not to panic just yet.

Scott looked up at the man, more awake than he was moments ago. "Do you- do you think something happened to him?"

"I think we need to have a pack meeting." John tells the boy.

Scott nodded and opened the door even more for the man to come in, Scott grabbed his phone from his pocket and texted the group chat: "Stiles is missing, pack meeting NOW at my place!"


Twenty minutes later everyone came through Scott's door. "What do you mean Stiles is missing?" Erica growled.

No one said anything. Erica looked around the group. Scott was sitting on the couch with Allison, Jackson, and Lydia. John sat in the chair, while Isaac, Boyd and Liam sat beside her on the floor. Boyd put an arm around his girlfriend and rubbed her back trying to calm her. Erica leaned into his side. 

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