Chapter One

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This was going to be a one shot.. but I decided to make it longer. So I hope you enjoy! Vote and Comment!! ❤️❤️

It's been six months since Derek Hale has left Beacon Hills. Six long, painful months. Well painful for a certain human who runs with the wolves. Why did Derek leave? Well, Derek died. He came back to life as a full shift black wolf. We are talking four paws and a tail. He killed Kate Argent, ripped her throat out...with his teeth. So, he left the next day. He needed to figure out how to deal with all of this, and what it meant for him shifting into a full wolf now. 

Stiles was depressed and moping for these past six months. All of his friends were worried about him. Lydia, bless her heart, tried setting Stiles up on a blind date. It didn't end well. Stiles talked about a certain handsome wolf all night. (Sue him it wasn't his fault Derek fucking Hale was a total hottie.) 


Jackson groaned when Stiles sat down at the lunch table with the rest of the pack. "Stilinkski, I swear to god you're always smelling like sadness; I can't take it anymore."

"Jackson!" Erica growls.

"What?" He asks clueless. 

They all were thinking it, but they let it slide. Most of them knew Stiles loved the alpha; hell, he still does. 

"Imma go, I think I'm going to leave early today." Stiles didn't wait for anyone to respond, he picked up his tray, threw it away in the nearest trashcan and walked out. 

"I should punch you right now!" Erica growls again flashing her gold eyes at Jackson. 

Flashing his blue ones right back Jackson said, "What? Its been almost a year; he needs to move on; like we all had too."

"That doesnt give you a right to be an asshole." Lydia stated.

"What just happened?" Scott asked confused.

"You." Liam pointed a finger at his alpha, "You need to start paying attention and be a damn alpha like you're supposed to be." Liam practically yells, standing up and leaving the table. 


Stiles threw his backpack in the back seat of his beloved jeep, he climbed in, shut his door and let out a sigh. With shaking hands, he put the keys in the ignition and started her up, pulling out of his parking space and started driving. Instead of going home and risking one of his nosey neighbors telling his father he was skipping, he decided to go to Dereks loft. None of them have been back to it since Derek left. Having pack nights / meetings at Scotts and Stiles houses instead. 

It took Stiles fifteen minutes until he reached the loft. He stumbled out of his jeep and walked through the doors, going up three flights of stairs, he was out of breath by the time he made it to the door. "Someone should really fix the elevator." Stiles mumbled to himself. 

With shaky hands and a deep breath, Stiles pulled the door open. It was the same as it always had been, except Derek wasnt there, on the couch reading a book with an unreadable expression on his face as usual. 

Stiles quickly walked in and shut the door behind him. He took a moment too look around, everything the sour wolf had was gone, except the Funiture. Stiles found a shirt on the bed, it was ripped and had some blood on it. Stiles hesitantly picked it up and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply, the shirt still smelled so much like Derek. Stiles sat on the end of the bed and cried, like he has every day for the past six months. 

Stiles was so wrapped in his thoughts that he didnt even notice Peter sitting at the end of the spiraling stair case. "Stiles."

"OH MY GOD!!!" Stiles screamed. A total manly scream, thank you very much. Putting a hand over his heart to try to get it under control before he has a damn heart attack.

Peter looked amused, "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" 

Stiles glares at him, his heart rate was starting to slow down, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "What are you doing here?"

Peter raised an eyebrow, "I could ask you the same thing." 

"I asked first." 

Rollin his eyes Peter answered. "I miss him too, you know. We didn't get along a lot, but he's still my family. My pack."

"Why did he have to leave?" Stiles asked in a small voice. 

"He needs time, Stiles. He lost his whole family thanks to Kate, now that she's dead for good this time he needs to wrap his head around it. And the fact he can shift into a full wolf, only his mother could do that." 

Stiles nodded and sat quietly for a moment. He understands Derek needs time, he does. The guy never caught a break.

"He will come back when he's ready." Peter added. 

Stiles looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. "Why? Why after everything Derek has been through; he deserved to get out. Out of this town that brings nothing but heartache. So tell me, peter, why would Derek even want to come back to this hellhole?" 

"You'll learn soon enough." 

"You might be more cryptic than Deaton." Stiles huffed a laugh.

"I'm going to act like you never said that." Peter mocked hurt. 

Stiles rolled his eyes, whipping the tears away, "I'll uh- I'll go. I didn't know anyone else was here." Stiles tells the older man, debating if he wanted to take Derek's bloody ripped shirt or if he should leave it. 

"Stiles you don't have to go." Peter says as he walks towards the huamn, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder, Stiles leanded into it. "I have to go take care of some business. You can stay as long as you need, okay?"

Stiles nodded and with that Peter left. Leaving Stiles alone in the too quiet loft. 


The next day Stiles woke up and realized he fell asleep at the loft; on Dereks bed curled up with his shirt. He started to panic because he didn't tell his dad he wouldn't be home. Stiles raced out the door and down the stairs to his jeep. He knows he probably was breaking a few laws getting home, but he didn't care. 

"Stiles! Where have you been?" John asked as he hugged his boy in a tight embrace as soon as Stiles opened the front door. 

Stiles felt guilty, his dad looks like he didn't sleep at all. "I'm sorry, pops. I fell asleep at Scott's and I forgot to text you." Stiles told his father, lying of course. But his dad didn't need to know how pathetic he is right now. 

"It's okay, son. I was worried sick. I was about to get a search team going." His father chuckled

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Stiles promises.

John nods, "coffee is still hot, I have to get to work. Stay out of trouble. I love you, kid."

"I love you too dad." Stiles said as his father walked out the door. 


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